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Todd Houlahan

Director, International Mining Group

Todd graduated from the University of Newcastle, Australia in 1993 with a degree in soils and hydrology. For the past 18 years, Todd has been a leader in the portable XRF revolution in the mineral exploration and mining industries, publishing numerous papers on the subject and presenting at international conferences. For the past 10 years, Todd has led Olympus’ International Mining Group helping explorers, miners, and their shareholders achieve cost efficiencies by using the best portable XRF and XRD technology solutions.


Goldexploration und -entdeckung

Kann der Vanta RFA-Handanalysator Gold (Au) auf weniger als 20 Teile pro Milliarde messen?

By Todd Houlahan - 15 Juni, 2022

RFA-Handanalysator zur Bohrkernanalyse

Bohrkernanalyse mittels RFA unterstützt schnelle geologische Interpretationen bei bedeutenden Goldentdeckungen

By Todd Houlahan - 10 Juni, 2022

Automatisiertes RFA-System bei der geochemischen Goldanalyse

Innovative automatisierte Robotertechniken zur Analyse geologischer Proben mit RFA-Handanalysatoren

By Todd Houlahan - 15 Oktober, 2020

Catch Up on What You Missed: Portable X-ray Fluorescence (pXRF) Best Practices for Mining and Exploration Projects

By Todd Houlahan - 27 April, 2016