Our Expertise and Reliability—Your Peace of Mind
Throughout more than 100 years of optical and digital innovation, Evident has forged itself as a global leader with a proven track record of technical excellence, delivering products manufactured to the highest standard. Evident, a wholly owned subsidiary of Olympus comprised of its former Scientific Solutions division, provides dedicated support throughout the lifetime of your product.
We offer a wide range of services designed to:
- Reduce the cost of ownership
- Maintain the availability of your equipment
- Protect your investment
We are the right choice for your service requirements:
- All our services are carried out to the manufacturer’s specifications, using only original Olympus parts
- Our service technicians undertake a continuous, well-structured training program—helping ensure a consistent high quality
- Every Evident-accredited repair center is ISO 9001, and ISO 17025* certified
* ISO17025 accredited services are available in the Evident Service Center Europe s.r.o. repair center. Please refer to the Evident or CIA website for the list of accredited services provided. Evident Corporation is ISO9001/ISO14001 certified.
To offer you the most flexible and convenient services possible, services can be performed off site at one of our regional repair centers or on site by one of our field service engineers.
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Peace of Mind
With over a century of dedicated focus on developing optical and digital innovations, Evident has solidified its position as a global leader by consistently delivering products crafted to the highest standards and providing our customers with service and support throughout the lifetime of their equipment.
Our services help lower ownership costs, maximize equipment uptime and productivity, and safeguard your investment. We follow all manufacturer specifications, use only original OEM factory parts, and provide ongoing training to our service technicians so that we can deliver consistent high quality.
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Our Solutions for Your Needs
From preventive maintenance to training, we offer a broad portfolio of services to help you maintain optimal device performance. Our experienced, fully qualified technical staff conducting our services will help you maximize your equipment availability and protect your investment at a projectable cost.
Software Updates and Upgrades
Unlock the latest innovations with software updates and upgrades—enhancing your application capabilities, increasing productivity, and giving you added confidence in your results.
Installation and IQ/OQ
Using our installation service for your Olympus products means that they are configured according to our dedicated procedures—which are designed for their optimal performance.
*Only available for selected microscopes
Preventive Maintenance
By correcting minor defects before they require major repairs, preventive maintenance maximizes your equipment uptime and minimizes long-term costs. After maintenance is performed, you will also receive comprehensive technical documentation to verify the condition of your equipment.
Corrective Maintenance
If your equipment does fail, our engineers will perform fast and effective repairs to reduce equipment downtime and maintain optimal availability. We also offer service support for several years after products are discontinued, giving you confidence in your equipment’s continuous, long-term operation.
The functional characteristics of Olympus NDT products are designed to exceed the highest industry standards, such as EN12668-1, ISO 22232, and ISO18563-1. We offer full calibration services for your instruments that meet the most demanding standards, including the highest possible accreditation, ISO17025.
To get the most from your devices, take advantage of our professional training, which involves instruction and guidance on the correct use of equipment and extensive practical training to increase your expertise.
Our Service Contracts
As well as covering all of your service needs, our contracts are designed to be flexible—enabling you to adapt your contracts to changing requirements and budget allowances. Predictable servicing costs help ensure that your contracts remain affordable in the long-term.
Evident service contracts are:
- Straightforward—so you can focus on the core of your business
- Efficient—we can schedule calibrations and preventative maintenance on your behalf
- Cost-effective—providing you savings throughout the life of the contract
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Tailored for Your Needs
From preventive maintenance to training, we offer a range of services to help you maintain optimal device performance. Our experienced, highly trained technical staff will help you plan operating costs, maximize equipment uptime, and protect your investment.
Contact Us For More Information
Preventive Maintenance
Preventive maintenance maximizes equipment uptime, minimizes long-term costs by addressing minor defects early, and provides comprehensive technical documentation after maintenance.
Our calibration services meet or exceed industry standards, including EN12668-1, ISO 22232, and ISO18563-1.
Software Updates and Upgrades
Unlock the latest innovations with software updates and upgrades that enhance your application capabilities, increase productivity, and give you added confidence in your results.
Corrective Maintenance
Our engineers provide prompt and efficient repairs to minimize equipment downtime. We offer extended service support even after product discontinuation, helping ensure long-term, reliable operation.
To get the most from your devices, take advantage of our professional training, which involves instruction and guidance on the correct use of equipment and extensive practical training to increase your expertise.
Installation and IQ/OQ
Using our installation service for your Evident products means that they are configured according to our dedicated procedures, which are designed to enable their optimal performance.
*Only available for selected microscopes
Service Contracts
Predictability and Peace of Mind: Evident Service Contracts
Benefit from maximum equipment performance with minimal unplanned service costs.
Extended Warranty Coverage
Extend the manufacturer warranty to protect your investments. All manufacturer defects will be covered by Evident up to three years after the factory warranty period.*
*For select products only.
Full Coverage
Our contracts are designed to cover your service needs, to be flexible and can be adapted based on your changing requirements and budget allowances. Predictable servicing costs help ensure that your contracts remain affordable in the long-term.
Labor Coverage
With yearly preventative maintenance, minor defects are fixed before they become serious issues, significantly reducing unexpected maintenance costs. Even if major repairs are needed, travel, shipping, and labor costs are covered.
Yearly Preventive Maintenance
To minimize the risk of unexpected repair costs, our yearly preventive maintenance service includes an extensive performance check, as well as cleaning and adjustment of your equipment. By reducing equipment downtime and increasing availability, our service contracts also minimize the impact of maintenance on your normal operations.
Your equipment’s measurement accuracy depends on reliable calibration. With the comprehensive service contracts offered by Evident, calibration is performed by engineers with deep understanding of Olympus equipment, ensuring optimal performance of your measurement devices.
Yearly Preventive Maintenance, Labor & Full coverage
Protection at all times
Our products are among the most reliable on the market. But even the best instruments can deviate from their optimal performance over time and need to be adjusted or repaired. For a fraction of the purchase price, you can rely on the security of the manufacturer's service for years.
Our basic service is an annual preventive Maintenance. If you like to further enhance the projectability of your costs, we can help with our Labour Full coverage contracts. The unlimited breakdown service will cover all labour and travel costs for our service technicians and the hardware coverage will cover all cost for spare parts. If required, we also offer a laser coverage in our Full coverage contract.
Contracts for Microscopy
The Preventive Maintenance will be fulfilled once a year on the customers side and includes:
- Performance check, cleaning, adjustment and lubrication (if necessary) of the frame
- Performance check and cleaning of the objectives
- Performance check and cleaning of the stage
Your key values
Annual preventive maintenance
- Keep the equipment in reliable performance conditions with best possible results
- Reduction of system downtime
Labor coverage
- Keep the equipment in reliable performance conditions with best possible results
- Reduction of system downtime
- Fixed annual labour cost in case of unexpected system breakdowns
Full coverage
- Keep the equipment in reliable performance conditions with best possible results
- Reduction of system downtime
- Service costs are project-able due to coverage of all labour, travel, spare part and unit replacement costs
- No risk of unexpected high repair costs
- Fast service due to no need for administrative service initiation e.g. no cost estimates required
- Cost saving by up-front payment for multiple years due to no increase of labour, travel and spare part costs
Calibration Contracts
Precision at all times
Evident products are designed to exceed the highest industry standards, such as EN12668-1, ISO 22232 and ISO18563-1. To ensure that your instruments continue to meet these demanding standards we offer full calibration services to the highest possible accreditation standard, ISO17025*. All of our calibration packages ensure you can have complete confidence in your data by incorporating a series of operational and performance qualification tests to meet the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) specifications in addition to the relevant industry standards.
The calibration will be performed in an Evident Repair Center (RRC) operating in compliance with a quality system e.g. ISO 9001 or ISO 17025 providing a follow-on calibration certificate to the original received at the point of purchase from Evident.
In line with our quality management systems, the calibrations are carried out by fully certified technicians, equipment and service management systems. The calibration test equipment is frequently calibrated. The environment in terms of temperature and humidity is constantly monitored and stated on the calibration certificate. The test procedures are in-line with factory or international standards to confirm compliance of the products to its original specifications.
The calibration certificate is stating a unique calibration certificate number, equipment, serial number, equipment description and calibration date.
As part of the calibration suitable software and firmware updates updates can be installed.
*ISO17025 accredited services are available in the Evident Service Center Europe s.r.o. repair center. Please refer to the Evident or CIA website for the list of accredited services provided.
Extended Warranty
Protection at all times
Our products are among the most reliable on the market. But even the best instruments can deviate from their optimal performance over time and need to be adjusted or repaired. With our service offering, you will not incur any additional service costs in the event of a problem. A real advantage in the long term. For a fraction of the purchase price, you can rely on the security of the manufacturer's service for years.
The Extended Warranty Contract includes the extension of the original 12 months’ warranty period after delivery (which is applicable pursuant to Olympus General Terms of Delivery and Payment) for a pre-defined quantity of month. For example, another 24 months, i.e. a total of 36 months’ warranty period after delivery.
The scope of the extended warranty is in line with the warranty under Evident General Terms of Delivery and Payment
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Annual Comprehensive and Maintenance Coverage
Even the most reliable equipment can deviate from its optimal performance over time and need to be adjusted or repaired. For a fraction of the purchase price, you can rely on the security of the manufacturer's service.
Optimize your equipment’s performance while minimizing downtime at predictable service costs. Eliminate the risk of unexpected repair costs and experience fast repairs without the hassle of administrative initiation or cost estimates. Our comprehensive coverage includes labor, travel, spare parts, and unit replacements.
Contact Us For More Information
Annual Preventive Maintenance
Our yearly preventive maintenance service minimizes the risk of unexpected repair costs with annual performance checks, cleaning, and equipment adjustments. With reduced downtime and increased availability, our service contracts have minimal impact on your normal operations.
Extended Warranty Coverage
Extend the manufacturer warranty to protect your investments. All manufacturer defects will be covered by Evident up to 3 years after the factory warranty period.*
*For select products only.
Comprehensive Coverage
Our contracts are designed to cover your service needs and can be adapted based on your changing requirements and budget allowances. Predictable servicing costs help ensure that your contracts remain affordable in the long-term.
Ensure optimal measurement accuracy with Evident's comprehensive service contracts. Our expert engineers perform reliable calibration, leveraging their deep understanding of Evident equipment for the best performance of your measurement devices.
Financial Solutions
Finance your Olympus Investments
The finest instrumentation coupled with the right financing solution helps you get the most from your investments. Evident Financial Services solutions are designed to help you manage the cost of your technology, better align revenue and expense, and keep pace with innovation.
With simple, flexible and tailored programs available, we can always find the right financing solution for you.
Stay Ahead of the Curve
Finance/lease the newest technological innovations to grow your business.
We provide full service support for leasing devices, so you can enjoy peace of mind.
Operate Lease
- 'Rent' for a monthly fee
- Operational expenditure
Finance Lease
- ‘Buy’ and finance
- Capital expenditure
Simple and Affordable Plans
Make financing or leasing simple with plans to help you manage the cost.
- Historically low interest rates
- Fixed-rate financing
All costs included - Credit check in 48 hours
Your Benefits
Get the most from your investments with additional benefits
- Increase your financial flexibility
- Optimize your cashflow
- Keep pace with innovation
- Enjoy peace of mind thanks to service support
Talk with your Evident sales contact to learn how we can support your business’s financial needs.
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Our Expertise and Reliability
Evident offers a wide range of services designed to reduce cost of ownership and ensure the availability of your equipment
Our brochures provide more information about our different service offerings. The offerings are designed inline with the product capabilities to reach their optimal performance. Evident is holding hold registrations for service under the ISO 17025* standard in the EMEA region. Click on the following links to view the available brochures and the certificates for each service location.
* ISO17025 accredited services are available in the Evident Service Center Europe s.r.o repair center. Please refer to the Evident or CIA website for the list of accredited services provided.
Service from the Manufacturer – Available, Accessible Continuous Support
Certificate of Accreditation - CZ
Appendix Certificate of Accreditation - CZ
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Learn More
Evident offers a wide range of services designed to reduce the cost of ownership and ensure the availability of your equipment. For more information about our different service offerings, check out the resources below.