How to Calibrate Your Microscope Camera: Precise Measurement Starts Here


Lauren Alvarenga

Lauren Alvarenga

27 April, 2022

Before you can make precise measurements with a measuring eyepiece or a microscope camera, you must first calibrate each device with a standard called an object micrometer. This calibration establishes the micrometer value, which indicates how large the distance is between two graduations of the micrometer on your specimen.

An object micrometer is a conventional slide that features a scale of 1 mm with 100 graduations. The distance between 2 divisions is, therefore, exactly 10 μm. For the micrometer calibration, the object micrometer is placed on the stage exactly like a specimen.

How to Calibrate Your Digital Microscope Camera

Because of the different magnifications of the objectives, you need to calibrate your microscope camera for each one individually, just like you do when calibrating a measuring eyepiece.

In this case, we’re using an EP50 digital microscope camera. The EP50 digital microscope camera can be controlled 3 ways

The calibration procedures for each are relatively similar but the user interface varies depending on the control method. All three methods are illustrated below in a handy infographic.

Assuming that your EP50 camera is correctly installed on your light microscope and the system is properly configured and focused, proceed with one of these calibration procedures:

Download the infographic

EPView Infographic[downloads][id]=847253807

After the camera is properly calibrated, the EP50 system can automatically give you precise measurements of objects in your sample.

Calibration Tutorial for the EP50 Digital Microscope Camara

Watch this quick video tutorial summarizing this calibration procedure using the EP50 OSD.

For more of our video tutorials, visit our Life Science YouTube channel at

*The EP50 camera is not available in some countries.

Lauren Alvarenga

Lauren Alvarenga

Senior Product Manager, Life Science Microscopy

Lauren Alvarenga is a senior product manager for clinical microscopy at Evident. She specializes in objective lenses and imaging software. She holds a Bachelor of Science in biomedical photographic communications from the Rochester Institute of Technology.