Caffamacherreihe 8-10
20355 Hamburg
Phone: 0049 - 40 877 09 700
Registered Seat: Hamburg, Commercial Register: Local Court of Hamburg HRB 170281
Managing Directors: Michael Speiser, Matthias Ponsold
Trade ID: DE347224941 and Tax ID: 48/719/06519
Our General Data Protection Notice is available here:
General Terms of Delivery and Payment (for Evident customers)
- Evident General Terms of Delivery and Payment
- Evident Allgemeine Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen
- Evident Conditions Générales de Paiement et de Livraison
- Evident Condiciones Generales de Entrega y Pago
General Terms of Purchase (for Evident suppliers)
- Evident General Terms of Purchase
- Evident Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen
- Evident Conditions Générales d'achat
- Evident Condiciones Generales de Compra
General Terms and Conditions of Services for Systems of Microscopy and Industrial Inspection and Measuring Instruments
- Evident General Terms and Conditions of Services for Systems of Microscopy and Industrial Inspection and Measuring Instruments
- Evident Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für Serviceleistungen an Systemen der Mikroskopie und industriellen Inspektions- und Messgeräten
- Evident Conditions Générales de Services pour les Systèmes de Microscopie et les Instruments d'Inspection et de Mesure Industriels
- Evident Términos y Condiciones Generales para la Prestación de Servicios Relativos a Sistemas de Microscopía e Instrumentos de Inspección y Medición Industrial