Background Subtraction Toolkit Download
Because of the wide spectrum of illumination modes available in optical microscopy, images can suffer from brightness variations that are manifested by gradients appearing in the background. These fluctuations often lead to contrast and brightness deficiencies in the specimen region and can seriously affect the quality of an otherwise acceptable digital image. TheBackground Subtraction Toolkit(the user interface is illustrated in Figure 1) is designed to help eliminate background gradients and produce even, uniform backgrounds without affecting the properties of the specimen image. To initiate download of compressed software files, choose a target directory and use the mouse cursor to click on the highlighted links provided below.
Background Subtraction Toolkit Download(File Size: 1,630 Kb)Recommended for computer display resolutions of800 × 600and larger, this Windows software features the essential algorithms to perform background subtraction of digital images having the following file formats:PSD(Photoshop Document),JPG(Joint Photographic Experts Group),BMP(Windows Bitmap),PCX(PC Paintbrush),TGA(Targa Image File),PNG(Portable Network Graphics), andPICT(Macintosh Graphics Files).