University, Government Research Facilities and Laboratories Resources
Analytical Electron Microscopy Facility
(Queensland and Griffith Universities, Australia)- The AEMF provides research and service facilities and support in the areas of electron microscopy, X-ray microanalysis, confocal microscopy and image analysis.
Beckman Institute Visualization Facility
(Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology)- The institute is an inter- and multidisciplinary research site devoted to basic research in the physical sciences and engineering, and in the life and behavioral sciences.
Bio-Imaging Center: Electron Microscopy Laboratory
(Nassau Community College)- A research facility based in the Department of Biology at Nassau Community College that houses multiple transmission and scanning electron microscopes.
Biological Electron Microscope Facility
(University of Illinois)- This service microscopy lab is part of the Department of Veterinary Biosciences at the University of Illinois, and serves Biological TEM and LM work for the entire UIUC Campus.
Biological Electron Microscope Facility
(University of Hawaii)- From the scientists at the Pacific Biomedical Research Center at the University of Hawaii, this nicely done Website provides biological researchers with service-oriented electron microscopy instrumentation on a recharge basis.
Biological Microscopy and Image Reconstruction Resource
(New York State Department of Health)- The BMIRR is operated by the Wadsworth Center, the main biomedical and environmental laboratory of the New York State Department of Health, located at the Empire State Plaza in Albany.
(University of Sherbrooke)- A computer program designed to simulate electron trajectory to represent the conditions used to image structures in a scanning electron microscope.
Center for Advanced Ultrastructural Research
(University of Georgia )- The Center for Ultrastructural Research located on the campus of the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, is one of the premier electron microscope laboratories in the southeastern United States. The Center is dedicated to providing the University of Georgia system and the scientific community-at-large with expertise in the use and application of light and electron optical methods to a wide variety of problems.
Center for Cell Imaging
(Yale University)- Located at the Yale University School of Medicine, the provides access to modern biomedical confocal and electron microscopy for the university research community.
Center for Interfacial Engineering
(University of Minnesota)- Based out of the NSF Engineering Research Center on the campus of the University of Minnesota, this research facility aims to develop, maintain and continuously update a state-of-the-art facility for the characterization of interfaces.
Center for Microanalysis of Materials
(University of Illinois)- This research facility has a very broad spectrum of advanced analytical instrumentation for micro-chemical and microstructural characterization of materials such as metals, thin films and biological tissues.
Central Facility for Electron Microscopy
(Technical University of Aachen, Germany)- Operating as a central institution of the technical University of Aachen (RWTH), the facility is equipped with instrumentation for material analysis and imaging, including advanced methods in Electron Microscopy, REM, TEM and EPMA.
Central Microscopy Research Facility
(University of Iowa)- Run by the University of Iowa, this facility provides microscopy instrumentation and technical assistance to research programs involving the use of scanning and transmission electron microscopy, light microscopy, laser scanning confocal microscopy, scanning probe microscopy and x-ray microanalysis.
Centre for Electron Microscopy
(Tampere University of Technology)- The CEM is an independent research unit in the Faculty of Materials Technology of Tampere University of Technology. CEM works in close collaboration with other Institutes of the University, industry, and Finnish and foreign research institutes. The main research areas are electron microscopical studies (TEM, SEM, EPMA) of all materials, and also includes other characterization methods such as AFM/STM, XRD, TG/DTA, and failure analyses.
Centre for Electron Microscopy and Materials Science
(University of Antwerp, Belgium)- The center is dedicated to the development of a program in electron microscopy and diffraction techniques for the materials and geological sciences.
Centre for Microscopy & Microanalysis
(University of Western Australia)- The Centre provides research facilities for electron microscopy, electron diffraction, electron probe microanalysis and confocal microscopy.
Centre Interdepartemental de Microscopie Electronique
(Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland)- The CIME is a central facility in electron microscopy dedicated to studies in solid state physics and material science.
Charged Particle Optics Research Group
(Delft University of Technology)- Operating out of the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, this research group experiments in the field of charged particle optics, developing both new apparatus and simulation software.
Computer Network Laboratory for Microscopy Education
(University of Arizona)- This site contains information from the University of Arizona about the microscopy educational programs, use of their instruments, and a nice SEM image gallery.
Confocal Microscope Facility
Sponsored by the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Manchester, this facility offers training in the fields of confocal microscopy, digital image capture, image processing and image analysis.
Confocal Microscope and Imaging Facility
The Cell and Molecular Physiology Department at the University of North Carolina is hosting a LeicaTCS-NT Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope. The confocal microscope is available for use by members of the neuroscience community at large, and the Website covers operational techniques, image handling, processing, software, and includes a large image gallery.
Cornell Integrated Microscopy Center
(Cornell University)- CIMC explores new specimen preparation/imaging methods for microscopy, and disseminates the existing state-of-the art microscopy techniques to the University and researchers in the community.
Croneis Laboratory Electron Microprobe and X-ray Analysis
(Rice University)- The primary mission of this laboratory is to serve researchers at Rice University with advanced electron microprobe analysis and imaging, X-ray fluorescence analysis, and X-ray powder diffraction techniques.
Electron Beam Analytical Facility
(University of Missouri)- Housed within the Department of Geological Sciences, this campus-wide service center has been used extensively for research involving the use of scanning electron microscopes (SEMs).
Electron Microbeam Analysis Laboratory
(University of Michigan)- A university-wide user facility for the microstructural and microchemical characterization of materials.
Electron Microbeam Laboratory
(Geological Survey of Canada)- The Electron Beam Laboratory provides electron microprobe and scanning electron microscopy facilities for Canadian researchers.
Electron Microscope Center
(Mississippi State University )- This MSU teaching and research facility fully is equipped for research with conventional transmission and scanning electron microscopy and advanced optical confocal laser scanning microscopy.
Electron Microscope Unit
(University of Sydney)- The EMU is a centralized facility for all electron microscope research with comprehensive resources for XRD, high resolution imaging, microanalysis, EDS, e-microprobe analysis and confocal microscopy.
Electron Microscopy
(Madison Area Technical College)- MATC offers an associate degree electron microscopy program that comprehensively trains students in SEM, TEM, with emphasis on materials and biological sample preparation.
Electron Microscopy Center
(Texas A&M University)- The EM Center is a centralized research and teaching facility that provides light, electron, and scanning probe microscopy research services for both the life and physical sciences.
Electron Microscopy Center at USC
(University of South Carolina)- The primary mission of the Electron Microscopy Center (EMC) is to furnish analytical microscopy and imaging support to researchers within the University of South Carolina system.
Electron Microscopy Core Laboratory
(University of Florida)- Electron microscopists at the University of Florida provide a very nice section on technique, with emphasis on specialized tips and tricks for electron microscopy.
Electron Microscopy Facility
(University of Pennsylvania)- This center is a full-service electron microscopy facility equipped with a wide range of state-of-the-art instrumentation for materials analysis. Structural, chemical and microstructural characterization of materials is conducted using SEM, TEM, and STEM microscopes.
Electron Microscopy Facility
(University of Tasmania)- This research site is located in the Central Science Laboratory, and provides an electron probe microanalyser, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and environmental scanning electron microscope for research involving electron microscopy.
Electron Microscopy Facility
(Victoria University of Wellington)- The Victoria EM facility provides a service for university staff and students, research organizations and companies requiring electron microscopy for the purposes of research, industry, quality control, teaching, or visual presentations.
Electron Microscopy Group
(University of Groningen)- This research group is part of the Department of Chemistry, and makes available multiple scanning electron microscopes for use in continued microscopy research.
Electron Microscopy Laboratory
(Louisiana State University)- This LSU laboratory maintains a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with EDS/CL capabilities (energy dispersive spectrometer and cathodoluminescence detector) and an electron microprobe (EPMA or EMX) with wavelength dispersive x-ray detectors (WDS) for micro-analysis of solid materials.
Electron Microscopy Unit
(Lund University)- Provided by the Faculty of Medicine, this research unit is the central resource of the Medical Faculty for research and education of pre- and postgraduate students in electron microscopy techniques.
Electron Microscopy Unit
(National University of Singapore)- This unit serves the Faculty of Medicine and outside researchers with a 24-hour facility dedicated to excellence in microscopy and photomicrography.
Electron Microscopy Unit
(Rhodes University)- This center is one of South Africa's premier electron microscopy laboratories.
Electron Probe Laboratory
(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)- A research lab located at the Institute of Earth Sciences, they house a JEOL JXA-8600 electron microprobe for use in qualitative and quantitative analyses that are performed by bombarding a finely focused electron beam onto a specimen.
Electron Probe Microanalysis Facility
(University of South Carolina)- The electron probe microanalysis facility provides research and development support for applications such as process technology, manufacturing/quality control, environmental hazards assessment, and material fabrication. State-of-the-art imaging/analytical techniques are utilized to characterize occurrence and distribution of chemical components in materials.
High Resolution Electron Microscopy and Surface Structure Facility
(Northwestern University)- The laboratory has several Hitachi high-resolution electron microscopes interfaced to a surface analysis system for image analysis and surface simulation.
Institute of Electron Optics
(University of Oulu)- The is a centralized facility for the microscopic scale analysis of the structure, morphology, chemistry and crystallography of materials.
Integrated Microscopy and Microanalytical Facility
(Emory University)- This center serves as the core scanning microscopy facility for the Winship Cancer Center and Interventional Cardiology. Imaging techniques include high resolution secondary electron microscopy (HRSEM), Transmission electron microscopy (STEM), and Energy Dispersive System (EDS) X-ray Microanalysis.
Laboratory for Electron Microscopy IN
(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)- Sponsored by the central EM facility of the Biology Department, this center collaborates in a wide spectrum of biological and biochemical projects.
Laboratory of Electron Microscopy
(University of Turku)- The laboratory is a core facility for the Medical faculty of the University, and offers its services to all researchers and students of the faculty and as applicable, of the whole University.
Life Sciences Electron Microscope Laboratory
(Arizona State University)- LSEM provides the ASU research community with advanced electron microscopy imaging capabilities.
Light & Electron Microscope Laboratory
(Cal State Fullerton)- This CSFU Department of Biological Sciences website features and image gallery and information about their electron microscopes and sample preparation equipment.
Medicine/Dentistry Electron Microscope Unit
(University of Alberta)- Housed in the Pharmacy building, this research facility features both scanning and transmission electron microscopes, equipped with a backscatter detector, PCI digital imaging systems and ultrathin section microtomes.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
(Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)- Focusing on analytical electron microscopy, atom-probe field ion microscopy and microbeam X-ray equipment, scientists and research students within the division collaborate with many companies and other research groups.
Microscopy Technology Center
(San Joaquin Delta College)- This unique two-year program in electron microscopy prepares students for employment as technical support in microscope operation, sample preparation, technical sales, and marketing.
National Biophotonics Resource
(University of Wisconsin)- The mission of the is to be a center for the application of advanced optical techniques for imaging and experimentally manipulating living specimens.
National Center for Electron Microscopy
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)- A U.S. Department of Energy user facility, NCEM houses several of the world's most advanced microscopes and tools for microcharacterization.
National Center for HREM
(Lund University)- The facility provides a focus for developing theory and practice of HREM and the associated aspects of analytical electron microscopy and electron diffraction.
National Center for Macromolecular Imaging
(Baylor College of Medicine)- The long-term goal of this NSF/NIH-funded facility is to establish the infrastructure for fast, routine, atomic structure determination of biological molecules by electron cryo-microscopy and computer reconstruction.
National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research
(University of California)- This federally funded research facility is dedicated to advancing three-dimensional microscopy and imaging of biological materials.
National Centre for High Resolution Electron Microscopy
(Delft University of Technology)- The Centre is part of the research group Physical Chemistry of the Solid State, and the focus of research concentrates on the relation between the properties and structural imperfections of materials.
Optical Microscope Facility
(University of Florida Brain Institute)- This facility provides an unparalleled diversity of optical microscopes capable of imaging at 0.05 µm resolution, detecting the entire emission spectrum, creating 3-D renditions, capture single cells and penetration to depths of 4mm. Software is available to enable a variety of image enhancement and quantitative analysis capabilities. They also provide in-house consultation and training serives, workshops for beginners up to advances users and assisted imaging services.
Particle Analysis in Environmental and Biomedical Samples
(State University of New York)- Part of the Environmental and Occupational Pathology Division at the College of Medicine, this research site uses analytical electron microscopy to establish techniques which facilitates identification, characterization and quantification of particulate materials not easily characterized using other methods.
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories
(Purdue University)- This website provides information about the cytometry laboratories, their equipment and research programs.
Raman Microscopy Laboratory
(Materials Science Institute of Madrid)- Raman microspectroscopy and photoluminescence is utilized in the study of materials microstructure at the Department of Optical, Magnetic, and Transport Properties.
Sakurai Lab
(Tohoku University, Japan)- Sponsored by the Institute for Materials Research at Tohoku University, the oratory is focused on scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) of semiconductor and metal surfaces and atom probe field ion microscopy (APFIM) of metallic materials.
Scanning Probe Microscopy
(Institute of Food Research, Reading, UK)- The SPM center at IFR-Nowich uses scanning probe technology to study complex biological systems that are of importance in food and agriculture.
Stony Brook Microscopy
(State University of New York)- This site features various microscopy groups located at the university, including the University Microscopy Imaging Center, Materials Science and the X-ray Optics group.
Timothy S. Baker Laboratory
(Purdue University)- Using high resolution cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional image reconstruction techniques, this Purdue University laboratory explores molecular mechanisms of virus activity.
TEM Laboratory
(University of New Mexico)- The UNM Transmission Electron Microscopy Laboratory is part of the Electron Microbeam Analysis facility in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Institute of Meteoritics. The laboratory provides powerful techniques for characterization of the internal structure and chemical composition of materials through electron imaging, diffraction and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) at near atomic level.
Tufts University School of Medicine Confocal Microscope Facility
(Tufts University)- The Tufts Confocal Microscope Facility is located within the Department of Anatomy and Cellular Biology. Services are provided for receiving living or fixed samples labeled with one to three distinct fluorochromes, with the most popular application being 3D reconstructions from serial optical sections, two or three overlay analysis for analyzing spatial proximity, and improved spatial resolution with thick specimens.
The University of Western Australia Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis
(University of Western Australia)- The center provides electron microscopy services for researchers at the university.
Virus Databases On-line
(Australian National University)- Provided by the Biological Sciences Division, this facility catalogs information about viruses of animals, plants, bacteria, fungi, and archaea from the family level down to strains and isolates.