
General Resources

Web Articles

Center Forin vivoMicroscopy

On the cutting edge of microscopy, the Duke University CIVM specializes in Magnetic Resonance Microscopy using high-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instruments. The site contains basic information about the technique, an image and video gallery, and a listing of publications.


One of the best microscopy sites on the Web. This Website features many time-lapse animations and a very nice overall treatment of biological microscopy.

Confocal Imaging

This webpage was established by the Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumentation at the University of Wisconsin. The information it contains is introductory but useful, touching upon confocal imaging, applications of confocal microscopy, and a number of other related topics.

Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy

Provided by the Cytometry Laboratory at the Walter and Eliza Hill Institute, one of Australia's leading medical research establishments, the information on this website includes an overview of confocal microscopy that discusses both the advantages and limitations of the technique, a general method for immunofluorescence of cells fixed on coverslips that can be modified for specific experiments, a discussion of colocalisation in confocal microscopy, and links to related websites.

Confocal Microscopy (Cellular Imaging Core)

A valuable resource, this website is sponsored by the Cellular Imaging Core at the University of Arizona. Its primary benefit lies in its numerous links to general and historical aspects of confocal microscopy, as well as sites relating to confocal principles, theory, and optics.

Confocal Microscopy and Cell Culture Facility for Biomaterials (Rutgers University)

The New Jersey Center for Biomaterials sponsors this website, which features an overview of confocal laser scanning microscopy, a variety of applicable protocols and notes, and a gallery of sample confocal images.


Crystals in polarized light. From the people who brought you CELLSAlive!.

Electron Micrograph Library

An archive of electron micrographs, sponsored by the Institute for Molecular Virology at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. These images can be freely used for educational or research purposes, but are not in the public domain. Most of the micrographs are of DNA, viruses, and DNA-protein complexes made using antibody-gold staining techniques.

From Bones to Atoms: Imaging Nature Across Dimensions

Written by scientists from the M.E. Müller Institute for Microscopy at the University of Basel in Switzerland, this website offers basic information about optical sectioning utilizing confocal microscopy techniques. Information about video-enhanced light microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, electron microscopy, electron diffraction, and digital imaging is also accessible.

The Institute for the Promotion of the Less Than One Millimeter

A 3-D look at creatures less than one millimeter in size, brought to you by Microscopy UK.

Laser Scanning Microscopy

An online comparative examination of confocal laser scanning microscopy and multiphoton laser scanning microscopy is presented by Bruce Jenks of the Department of Cellular Animal Physiology at the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Numerous well-designed illustrations help facilitate understanding of this fundamental information.

Light Microscopy Forum

Contains a wide spectrum of topics such as microscope history, development, and practical applications in the earth and life sciences. The Website also has a section of microscopy want ads (a "Flea Market"), a series of links to other Websites, and serious recommendations on microscopy books.

McCrone Research Institute

A not-for-profit corporation dedicated to teaching and research in applied microscopy.


A unique Website containing images obtained in black and white with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and then colorized with graphics software.

Microscopy, Image Analysis, and 3D Reconstruction

Originally a CD ROM distributed freely at professional conferences, Purdue University's Cytometry Laboratory has madeMicroscopy, Image Analysis and 3D Reconstructionaccessible on the web. The substantial compilation of material includes a collection of laser confocal microscopy images, time lapse videos, tutorials, notes, PowerPoint presentations, and microscopy website links.

Microscopy UK

The British home of amateur microscopy on the Web. Included in the website are several online journals and a variety of articles dealing with all aspects of optical microscopy. This is an excellent Website and we highly recommend an extended visit.

Microscopy Vendors Database

A great place to start if you need to locate a microscope vendor or supplies for microscopy and related sciences. The site was built and is maintained by Henrik Kaker. In addition to an exhaustive list of vendors, the site offers a company search, an advertising index, and a new products section.

MicroVision by Dennis Kunkel

Award-winning photomicrographer Dennis Kunkel shows off his portfolio of outstanding electron and optical micrographs on the Web. This is a "must see" for any serious photomicrographer.

MicroWorld Resources and News

A growing collection of microscopy resources, databases, news, meetings, and other items of interest to microscopists.


An excellent website featuring the photomicrography and photomacrography of noted German microscopist Karl Deckart. Included on the site are images taken with the microscope in addition to photographs captured with a camera and macro lens. Deckart has been a consistent winner of the Nikon Small World Competition, having had 40 images earn prizes in this prestigious contest over the last 10 years.


A look into the world of Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) including techniques such as tunneling, atomic force, and magnetic force microscopy. The site contains an extensive collection of biological (cells, viruses, DNA, hair, and more) specimens, semiconductors, data storage, and materials images, presented in an entertaining style. This Web site is sponsored by Digital Instruments, one of the world's leaders in SPM design and manufacture.

The Nanoworld Home Page

One of the largest collections of scanning electron photomicrographs on the internet. This vast Website is full of links, references, photomicrographs, and other resources for the microscopist. This site is sponsored and maintained by Duncan Waddell at the Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia.

Photomicrographs (Micro 101)

A very large collection of biological photomicrographics designed to serve as a visual aid for microscopy education. The site sponsored by Buckman Laboratories and covers algae, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa, fibers, and a discussion of techniques.

This incredible gallery of Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) images is sponsored by the IBM Almaden Research Center Visualization Lab. Topics include an overview of the technique and several spectacular STM images of atoms in unique groupings.

Tips & Tricks of Microscopy

A large compilation of microscopy information from discussion group proceedings, maintained and sponsored by the Biotechnology program at the University of Florida. The site contains references to an abundance of specialized techniques in the biological sciences arena.

The Virtual Microscope

A virtual polarizing microscope using both QuickTime and Shockwave interactive animations to simulate a petrograpy microscope. This site, by the Open University, is a very good start tovirtual microscopyon the Web.