
Microscopy Societies Resources


Royal Microscopical Society

One of the oldest and most respected societies for the advancement of microscopy, the RMS serves the needs of its members in the academic and industrial communities, promoting both theory and practical application, and thereby shaping the future of microscopy.

Microscopy Society of America

A non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and advancement of the knowledge of the science and practice of all microscopical imaging, analysis and diffraction techniques useful for elucidating the ultrastructure and function of materials in diverse areas of biological, materials, medical and physical sciences.

The Quekett Microscopical Club

The dedication to amateur microscopy in the United Kingdom is evidenced by this interesting Web site containing an abundance of information about the club (founded in 1865), its members, and their activities.

American Microscopical Society

An international society of biologists organized to encourage the use of microscopy in research and teaching. The society publishes reports of research on invertebrate biology in its journalInvertebrate Biology, conducts annual meetings on research using microscopy, and organizes workshops on techniques of microscopy and on biology of organisms studied by microscopy.

American Society for Microbiology

The (ASM) is the oldest and largest life sciences membership organization in the world, representing 22 disciplines of microbiological specialization and publishing a variety of scientific journals. ASM members help to promote a better understanding of the importance of microbiology today and in the future.

Appalachian Regional Microscopy Society

The AReMS is a local microscopy society with membership primarily drawn from the Middle Atlantic states. The society sponsors meetings, workshops, demonstrations of instruments and procedures, and promotes personal contact with persons of similar interests.

Arizona Imaging and Microanalysis Society

an affiliate of the Microscopy Society of America and the Microbeam Analysis Society, this Web site offers information about the local professional society in the state of Arizona.

Canadian Historical Microscopical Society

The society was established in 1989 to bring together private and institutional collectors of antique and modern optical instruments with particular emphasis on microscopes.

Chesapeake Society for Microscopy

The mission of the CSM is to stimulate interest and activities in microscopy by sponsoring a wide range of activities, including seminars, workshops, poster meetings, and news letters.

Florida Society for Microscopy

A charter member of the Microscopy Society of America, the FSM is a non-profit educational society sponsoring poster sessions, workshops, and annual meetings for Floridians interested in the microscopic world.

Histochemical Society

The was founded in 1950 by scientists devoted to the study of cell and tissue biology with molecular and morphological techniques. Annual meetings emphasize workshops on the state of the art techniques, symposia and lectures by leading authorities, and joint meetings with other scientific societies.

International Cement Microscopy Association

The ICMA is a non-profit organization organized to act as a vehicle for the mutual exchange of ideas and technical data by cement microscopists.

International Federation of Societies for Electron Microscopy

With over 40 member and affiliate member nations, the IFSEM provides an international flavor to collaboration and information dissemination in electron microscopy.

Iowa Microscopy Society

Goals of the IMS are to bring together researchers of all disciplines interested in microscopy to exchange ideas and information. The society conducts annual meetings, holds workshops, and sponsors a photomicrography contest.

Louisiana Society for Microscopy

The LSM is the Louisiana affiliate of the Microscopy Society of America (MSA), and it welcomes new members interested in microscopy and related fields.

Manchester Microscopical & Natural History Society

The Society was founded nearly 120 years ago to provide for the pursuits of those interested in microscopy and natural history. Today it provides regular meetings where talks are given by amateurs and professionals and where members can provide exhibits, exchange information, use the library, or buy small goods. The society also publishes a yearly newsletter (Micro Miscellanea) and books on hints and tips of local and historical interest.

Midwest Microscopy and Microanalysis Society (MSA Affiliate)

The objectives of M(3)S are to advance scientific research and discovery through the use of microscopy and microanalysis, and to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of scientific problems.

Microbeam Analysis Society

The Microbeam Society is an organization of professionals who work with or have an active interest in microbeam instrumentation. The society holds annual meetings, workshops, seminars, and publishes the journalMicroscopy & Microanalysis.

Microscopical Society of Canada

Activities of the MSC embrace all forms of microscopy, and membership is drawn from scientists in both materials and biological sciences. The society holds annual meetings and currently has over 650 members.

Microscopy Society of Northeastern Ohio

The MSNO is a group of professionals and students whose common bond is an interest the field of microscopy.

Microscopy Society of Singapore

The objective of the MSS is to promote awareness and encourage information exchange among members of the society through meetings and technical demonstrations.

Microscopy Society of Southern Africa

The purpose of the MSSA is to promote and develop microscopy and associated techniques, and to exchange information among members in Southern African. The society conducts annual meetings, publishes a newsletter, and conducts demonstrations of instrumentation and techniques.

Minnesota Microscopy Society

The MMS is a local affiliate of the Microscopy Society of America and Microbeam Analysis Society (MSA and MAS), serving the state of Minnesota. Members hold regular meetings and symposia.

Mountain States Society of Electron Microscopists & Colorado Microbeam Analysis Society

MSSEM/CMAS is dedicated to the promotion and advancement of all microscopy and microanalysis techniques used in both public and private industry, educational institutions and government laboratories. The society holds regular meetings, symposia, workshops, and has an on-line membership forum.

New York Microscopical Society

The NYMS, founded in 1877, is a not-for-profit organization offering lectures, classes, and publications for professional, amateur, and junior microscopists.

Oklahoma Microscopy Society

The OMS is a local affiliate society of the Microscopy Society of America (MSA), the Microbeam Analysis Society (MAS) and the Oklahoma Academy of Science (OAS). The society holds annual meetings, symposia, workshops, and demonstrations of instrumentation and techniques.

The Postal Microscopical Club of Australia

The PMCA provides a forum for people who have an interest in light microscopy and who like to examine a range of prepared slides. Complete sets of prepared microscope slides are provided to members who wish to receive them on a loan basis. The society holds only impromptu meetings, and publishes a newsletter entitled theAmateur Microscopist.

Reading Microscopical Society

An affiliate of the Royal Microscopical Society, the R(eading)MS was founded in 1945 to provide an opportunity for enthusiastic microscope users and collectors to meet regularly for the exchange of information and ideas. The society sponsors field trips, demonstrations, symposia, and has a small library for the convenience of members.

Russian Society of Scanning Probe Microscopy and Nanotechnology

Main goals of the RSSPM are to provide members with the latest available information and promote broad scientific cooperation in the area of Scanning Probe Microscopy and Nanotechnology. The society holds regular meetings, conferences, symposia, and demonstrations.

San Francisco Microscopical Society

The SFMS is a non-profit educational institution devoted to the teaching of microscopy and as a meeting place where members can share their experiences and techniques. Members of the society include active microscopists who use the microscope in their employment and amateurs who work with the microscope for their own diversion and pleasure. The society holds regular meeting, workshops, and demonstrations.

Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy

Since its founding on October 16, 1948, SCANDEM has served as an active organization focusing on all aspects related to electron microscopy. The group holds regular meetings, symposia, demonstrations, and publishes a newsletter.

Society for Ultrastructural Pathology

The is an international association of electron microscopists, formed in 1986. Academic objectives of the Society are accomplished at the Companion Meeting of the annual United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology meeting and at the biennial UltraPath conferences. The Society fosters the application of electron microscopy in the diagnosis and research of human diseases. Meetings are an opportunity for the exchange of information, particularly ultrastructural and immunohistochemical, relevant to diagnostic pathology. Members of the Society welcome practitioners of, and those who are interested in, the art and science of electron microscopy. This includes pathologists, residents and registrars in pathology, Ph.D. electron microscopists, electron microscopy technologists, and research scientists.

Southeastern Microscopy Society

The (SMS) is a scientific organization comprised of professional microscopists working in the life, medical, and physical sciences. The SMS is dedicated to the advancement of scientific research and discovery through the use of microscopy and its associated methodologies. The Society also promotes microscopic imaging as an integral tool for life and physical sciences education at all levels through meetings and publications.

Southern California Society for Microscopy & Microanalysis

The SCSMM is dedicated to increasing interest and information in all areas of microscopy and microanalysis, including transmission and scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe, ion probe, microbeam analysis, optical and confocal microscopy. The society holds a number of annual meetings and events.

State Microscopical Society of Illinois

The SMSI provides a forum which allows amateur and professional microscopists to communicate with each other and learn more about science and microscopy. In addition to monthly meetings, the society publishes theSMSI Journal, and holds workshops, auctions, picnics, and a banquet at the Inter/Micro annual meeting.