Fluorescent Protein Literature Sources
Fluorescent Protein Literature Sources
General Fluorescent Protein References
Listed in this section features a bibliography of literature sources for review articles and original research reports on the discovery, applications, and continued development of fluorescent proteins.
Biosensor Fluorescent Protein References
Listed in this section features a bibliography of literature sources for review articles and original research reports on the construction, applications, and continued development of biosensor fluorescent proteins.
Optical Highlighter Fluorescent Protein References
Listed in this section are sources for review articles and original research reports on optical highlighter fluorescent proteins.
Fluorescent Protein Photobleaching References
The selected references in this section point to important literature sources for information on FRAP with fluorescent proteins.
Fluorescent Protein FRET References
The references listed in this section highlight important literature sources for review articles and original research reports on the construction and applications of fluorescent proteins for resonance energy transfer experiments.
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy
Featured in this section are bibliographies of literature sources for review articles and original research reports focused on fluorescence correlation (and cross-correlation) spectroscopy.