Selected Literature References
Section Overview:
- Topics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Volume 5, Nonlinear and Two-Photon-Induced Fluorescence, Lakowicz, J. (ed), Plenum Press, New York, 544 pages (1997).
Review Articles
- Principles of multiphoton-excitation fluorescence microscopy ., Denk, W., Imaging Neurons: A Laboratory Manual, Yuset, R., Lanni, F., and Konnerth, A. (eds), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, pages 17.1-17.8 (2000).
- Multiphoton microscopy in life sciences ., König, K., Journal of Microscopy, Volume 200, Part 2, The Royal Microscopical Society, London, United Kingdom, pages 83-104 (2000).
- Advances in multiphoton imaging ., Krueger, A., American Laboratory, International Scientific Communications, Shelton, Connecticut, pages 36-39, April (2000).
- Lasers for multiphoton microscopy ., Wise, F., Imaging Neurons: A Laboratory Manual, Yuset, R., Lanni, F., and Konnerth, A. (eds), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, pages 18.1-18.9 (2000).
- Imaging living cells and tissues by two-photon excitation microscopy ., Piston, D. , Trends in Cell Biology , 9: , 66-69 (1999).
- Multifocal multiphoton microscopy. , Andreoni, A., Cubeddu, R., De Silverstri, S., Laporta, P. and Svelto, O., Optics Letters: 23, 655-657 (1998).
- Multiphoton excitation fluorescence microscopy ., Centonze, V. and White, J., Cells: A Laboratory Manual, Part 2. Light Microscopy and Cell Structure, Spector, D., Goldman, R., and Leinwand, L., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, pages 97.1-97.17 (1998).
- Multifocal multiphoton microscopy: a fast and efficient tool for 3-D fluorescence imaging. , Straub, M. and Hell, S., Bioimaging: 6, 177-185 (1998).
- Multiphoton excitation of molecular fluorophores and non-linear laser microscopy. , Xu, C. and Webb, W., Topics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Volume 5: Non-Linear and Two-Photon Induced Fluorescence, Lakowicz, J. (ed), John Wiley and Sons, New York, pages 471-540 (1997).
- Photon upmanship: Why multiphoton imaging is more than a gimmick. , Denk, W. and Svoboda, K., Neuron: 18, 351-357 (1997).
- Three-photon excitation microscopy. Theory, experiments and applications. , Schrader, M., Bahlmann, K. and Hell, S., Optik: 104, 116-124 (1997).
- Two-photon near-infrared excitation in living cells. , König, K., J. Near Infrared Spectroscopy: 5, 27-34 (1997).
- Two-photon fluorescence: a new dimension for microscopy. , Dixon, A., International Laboratory, 13-16, July (1997).
- Three-photon excitation in fluorescence microscopy. , Hell, S., Bahlmann, K., Schrader, M., Soini, A., Malak, H., Gryczynski, I. and Lakowicz, J., Journal of Biomedical Optics: 1, 71-74 (1996).
- Resolution in three-photon fluorescence scanning microscopy. , Gu, M., Optics Letters: 21, 988-990 (1996).
- Two-photon excitation microscopy ., Piston, D., Fluorescence Imaging Spectroscopy and Microscopy. Chemical Analysis Series, Volume 137, Wang, X. and Herman, B. (eds), John Wiley and Sons, New York, pages 253-272 (1996).
- Vital imaging: two photons are better than one ., Potter, S., Current Biology, Volume 6, Current Biology, Ltd., London, United Kingdom, pages 1595-1598 (1996).
- Two-photon molecular excitation in laser-scanning microscopy ., Denk, W., Piston, D., and Webb, W., Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy, Pawley, J. (ed), Plenum Press, New York, pages 445-458 (1995).
- Two-photon molecular excitation provides intrinsic 3-dimensional resolution for laser-based microscopy and microphotochemistry ., Williams, R., Piston, D. and Webb, W., The FASEB Journal, Volume 8, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, Maryland, pages 804-813 (1994).
- Two-photon spectroscopy of protein-bound chromophores. , Birge, R., Acc. Chem. Res.: 19, 138 (1986).
- Two-photon molecular spectroscopy. , Friedrich, D., J. Chem. Educ.: 59 (6), 472 (1982).
- Two-photon molecular spectroscopy. , Friedrich, D. and McClain, W., Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem.: 31, 559 (1980).
Original Research Reports
- Ultrastructure and reproduction behaviour of single CHO-K1 cells exposed to near infrared femtosecond laser pulses. , Oehring, H., Riemann, I., Fischer, P., Halbhuber, K. and König, K., Scanning: 22, 263-270 (2000).
- Brominated 7-hydroxycoumarin-4-ylmethyls: photolabile protecting groups with biologically useful cross-sections for two-photon photolysis. , Furuta, T., Wang, S., Dantzker, J., Dore, T., Bybee, W., Callaway, E., Denk, W. and Tsien, R., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA): 96, 1193-1200 (1999).
- Characterisation of the activity of a plastid targeted green fluorescent protein in Arabidopsis. , Tirlapur, U., Dahse, I., Reiss, B. and Oelmuller, R., Eur. J. Cell Biol.: 78, 233-240 (1999).
- Photolysis of caged calcium in femtoliter volumes using two-photon excitation. , Brown, E., Shear, J., Adams, S., Tsien, R., and Webb, W., Biophys. J.: 76, 489-499 (1999).
- Femtosecond two-photon excited fluorescence of melanin. , Teuchner, K., Freyer, W., Leupold, D., Volkmer, A., Birch, D., Altmeyer, P., Stücker, M. and Hoffmann, K. Photochem. Photobiol.: 70, 146-151 (1999).
- Intracellular nanosurgery with near infrared femtosecond laser pulses. , König, K., Riemann, I., Fischer, P. and Halbhuber, K., Cell. Mol. Biol.: 45, 195-201 (1999).
- Long-term two-photon fluorescence imaging of mammalian embryos without compromising viability. , Squirrel, J., Wokosin, D., White, J. and Bavister, B., Nature Biotechnol.: 17, 762-763 (1999).
- Molecular dynamics in living cells observed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy with one- and two-photon excitation. , Schwille, P., Haupts, U., Maiti, S. and Webb, W., Biophys. J.: 77, 2251-2265 (1999).
- Near infrared femtosecond laser pulses as a novel non-invasive means for dye-permeation and 3D imaging of localised dye-coupling in the Arabidopsis root meristem. , Tirlapur, U. and König, K., Plant J.: 20, 363-370 (1999).
- Photodynamic therapy by non-resonant two-photon excitation. , König, K., Riemann, I. and Fischer, P., SPIE Proceed.: 3592, (1999).
- Photodynamic therapy with ultrafast lasers. , Wachter, E., Petersen, M. and Dees, H., SPIE Proceed.: 3616, 66-74 (1999).
- Picosecond multiphoton scanning near-field microscopy. , Jenei, A., Kirsch, A., Subramaniam, V., Arndt-Jovin, D. and Jovin, T., Biophys. J.: 76, 1092-1100 (1999).
- Pulse-length dependence of cellular response to intense near-infrared laser pulses in multiphoton microscopes. , König, K., Becker, T., Fischer, P., Riemann, I. and Halbhuber, K., Optics Letters: 24, 113-115 (1999).
- Spread of excitation in layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in rat barrel cortex in vivo . , Svoboda, K., Helmchen, F., Denk, W. and Tank, D., Nat. Neurosci: 2, 67-73 (1999).
- The motor protein myosin-I produces its working stroke in two steps. , Veigel, C., Coluccio, L., Jontes, J., Sparrow, J., Milligan, R. and Molley, J., Nature: 398, 530-533 (1999).
- Two-photon imaging in living brain slices. , Mainen, Z., Maletic-Savatic, M., Shi, S., Hayashi, Y., Mailinow, R. and Savoboda, K., Methods: 18, 231-239 (1999).
- Two-photon multilayer bit data storage by use of continuous wave illumination. , Gu, M. and Day, D., SPIE Proceed.: 3749, 444-445 (1999).
- Video-rate scanning two-photon excitation fluorescence microscopy and ratio imaging with chameleons. , Fan, G., Fujisaki, H., Miyawaki, A., Tsay, R., Tsien, R. and Ellisman, M., Biophys. J.: 76, 2412-2420 (1999).
- 4Pi-confocal imaging in fixed biological specimens. , Schrader, M., Bahlmann, K., Giese, G. and Hell, S., Biophys. J.: 75, 1659-1668 (1998).
- Calcium dynamics in single spines during coincident pre- and postsynaptic activity depend on relative timing of back-propogating action potentials and subthreshold excitatory postsynaptic potentials. , Koester H. and Sakmann B., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA): 95, 9596-9601 (1998).
- Continuous wave excitation two-photon fluorescence microscopy exemplified with the 647 nm ArKr laser line. , Booth, M. and Hell, S., Journal of Microscopy: 190, 298-304 (1998).
- Continuous wave two-photon scanning near-field optical microscopy. , Kirsch, A., Subramaniam, V., Striker, G., Schnetter, C., Arndt-Jovin, D. and Jovin, T., Biophys. J.: 75, 1513-1521 (1998).
- Fluorescence lifetime three-dimensional microscopy with picosecond precision using a multifocal multiphoton microscope. , Straub, M. and Hell, S., Appl. Phys. Lett.: 73, 1769-1771 (1998).
- Fundamental calcium release events revealed by two-photon excitation photolysis of caged calcium in guinea-pig cardiac myocytes. , Lipp, P. and Niggli, E., J. Physiol.: 508, 801-809 (1998).
- Heating by absorption in the focus of an objective lens. , Schönle, A. and Hell, S., Optics Letters: 23, 325 (1998).
- Measurement of cytosolic, mitochondrial, and Golgi pH in single living cells with green fluorescent protein. , Llopis, J., McCaffery, J., Miyawaki, A., Farquhar, M. and Tsien, R., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA): 95, 6803-6808 (1998).
- Multiphoton excitation provides optical selections from deeper within scattering specimens than confocal imaging. , Centonze, V. and White, J., Biophys. J.: 75, 2015-2024 (1998).
- New time-resolved techniques in two-photon microscopy. , So, P.T, König, K., Berland, K., Dong, C., French, T., Buehler, C., Ragan, T. and Gratton, E., Cell. Mol. Biol.: 44, 771-794 (1998).
- Three-dimensional superresolution with a 4Pi-confocal microscope using image restoration. , Schrader, M., van der Voort, H.T. and Hell, S., J. Appl. Phys.: 84, 4033-4042 (1998).
- Time-gated autofluorescence microscopy of motile green microalga in an optical trap. , König, K., Boehme, S., Leclerc, N. and Ahuja, R., Cell. Mol. Biol.: 44, 763-770 (1998).
- Two-photon near and far-field fluorescence microscopy with continuous-wave excitation. , Hell, S., Booth, M., Wilms, S., Schnetter, C., Kirsch, A., Arndt-Jovin, D. and Jovin, T., Optics Letters: 23, 1238-1240 (1998).
- Cellular response to near infrared femtosecond laser pulses in two-photon microscopes. , König, K., So, P., Mantulin, W., Tromberg, B., and Gratton, E., Optics Letters: 22, 135 (1997).
- Comparason of two-photon excitation laser scanning microscopy in 3D calcium imaging using the fluorescence indicator Indo-1. , Sako, Y., Sekihata, A., Yanagisawa, Y., Yamamoto, M., Shimada, Y., Ozaki, K. and Kusumi, A., Journal of Microscopy: 185, 9-20 (1997).
- Measuring serotonin distribution in live cells with three-photon excitation. , Maiti, S., Shear, J., Williams, R., Zipfel, W. and Webb, W., Science: 275, 530-532 (1997).
- Multiphoton excitation fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy of in vivo human skin. , Masters, B., So, P. and Gratton, E., Biophys. J.: 72, 2405-2412 (1997).
- Simultaneous two-photon activation of type I photodynamic therapy agents. , Fisher, W., Partridge, W., Dees, C. and Wachter, E., Photochem. Photobiol.: 66, 141-155 (1997).
- 3D resolved two-photon fluorescence microscopy of living cells using a modified confocal laser scanning microscope. , König, K., Simon, U. and Halbhuber, K., Cell. Mol. Biol.: 42, 1181-1194 (1996).
- Calcium imaging of single stereocilia in hair cells: Localization of transduction channels at both ends of tip links. , Denk, W., Holt, J., Shepherd, G. and Corey, D., Neuron: 15, 1311-1321 (1996).
- Construction of a two-photon microscope and optimisation of illumination pulse duration. , Soeller, C. and Cannell, M., Eur. J. Physiol.: 432, 555-561 (1996).
- Direct measurement of coupling between dendritic spines and shaft. , Svoboda, K., Tank, D. and Denk, W., Science: 272, 716-719 (1996).
- Intravital imaging of green fluorescent protein using two-photon laser-scanning microscopy. , Potter, S., Wang, C., Garrity, P. and Fraser, S., Gene: 173, 25-31 (1996).
- Measurement of two-photon cross sections. , Xu, C. and Webb, W., J. Opt. Soc. Am. B.: 13, 481-491 (1996).
- Multicolor spectral karyotyping of human chromosomes. , Schröck, E., du Manoir, S., Veldman, T., Schoell, B., Weinberg, J., Ferguson-Smith, M., Ning, Y., Ledbetter, D., Bar-Am., I., Soenksen, D., Garaini, Y. and Ried, T., Science: 273, 494-497 (1996).
- Quantitative subcellular imaging of glucose metabolism within intact pancreatic islets. , Bennett, B., Jetton, T., Ying, G., Magnuson, M. and Piston, D., J. Biol. Chem.: 271, 3647-3651 (1996).
- The orientation of first cleavage in the sea urchin embryo, Lytechinus variegatus, does not specify the axes of bilateral symmetry. , Summers, R., Piston, D., Harris, K., John, B. and Morrill, J., Develop. Biol.: 175, 177-183 (1996).
- Three-photon excitation fluorescence imaging of biological specimens using an all-solid-state laser. , Wokosin, D., Centonze, V., Crittenden, S. and White, J., Bioimaging: 4, 1-7 (1996).
- Two-photon excited lifetime imaging of autofluorescence in cells during UVA and NIR photostress. , König, K., So, P., Mantulin, W., Tromberg, B. and Gratton, E., Journal of Microscopy: 183, 197-204 (1996).
- Cell damage by near-IR microbeams. , König, K., Liang, H., Berns, M., and Tromberg, B., Nature: 377, 20-21 (1995).
- Dendritic spines as basic functional units of neuronal integration. , Yuste, R. and Denk, W., Nature: 375, 682-684 (1995).
- Determination of absolute two-photon excitation cross sections by in situ second-order autocorrelation. , Xu, C., Guild, J., Webb, W. and Denk, W., Optics Letters: 20 (23), 2372-2374 (1995).
- Imaging calcium dynamics in dendritic spines. , Denk, W., Yuste, R., Svoboda, K. and Tank, D., Curr. Opin. Neurobiol.: 6, 372-378 (1995).
- Quantitative imaging of green fluorescent protein in cultured cells: Comparason of microscopic techniques, use in fusion proteins and detection limits. , Niswender, K., Blackman, S., Rohde, L., Magnuson, M. and Piston, D., Journal of Microscopy: 180, 109-115 (1995).
- Three-dimensionally resolved NAD(P)H cellular metabolic redox imaging of the in situ cornea with two-photon excitation laser scanning microscopy. , Piston, D., Masters, B. and Webb, W.W., Journal of Microscopy: 178, 20-27 (1995).
- Time-resolved fluorescence microscopy using two-photon excitation. , So, P., Yu, W., Berland, K., Dong, C. and Gratton, E., Bioimaging: 3, 1-15 (1995).
- Two-photon excitation fluorescence microscopy using a semiconductor laser. , Hänninen, P., Schrader, M., Soini, E. and Hell, S., Bioimaging: 3, 70-75 (1995).
- Two types of calcium response limited to single spines in cerebellar Purkinje cells. , Denk, W., Sugimori, M. and Llinás, R. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA): 92, 8279-8282 (1995).
- A confocal laser scanning microscope designed for indicators with ultraviolet excitation wavelengths. , Niggli, E., Piston, D., Kirby, M. and Cheng, H., Am. J. Physiol.:, (1994).
- Anatomical and functional imaging of neurons using 2-photon laser scanning microscopy. , Denk, W., Delaney, K., Gelperin, A., Kleinfeld, D., Strowbridge, B., Tank, D. and Yuste, R., J. Neurosci. Methods: 54, 151-162 (1994).
- Background rejection and signal-to-noise optimization in the confocal and alternative fluorescence microscopes. , Sandison, D. and Webb, W., Apl. Optics: 33, 603-610 (1994).
- Continuous wave excitation two-photon fluorescence microscopy. , Hänninen, P., Soini, E. and Hell, S., Journal of Microscopy: 176, 222-225 (1994).
- Direct observation of tube-like motion of a single polymer chain. , Perkins, T., Smith, D. and Chu, S., Science: 264, 819-822 (1994).
- Nonlinear absorption extends confocal fluorescence microscopy into the ultraviolet regime and confines the illumination volume. , Stelzer, E., Hell, S. and Lindek, S., Opt. Commun.: 104, 223-228 (1994).
- Relaxation of a single DNA molecule observed by optical microscopy. , Perkins, T., Quake, S., Smith, D. and Chu, S., Science: 264, 822-826 (1994).
- Two-photon excitation fluorescence imaging of three-dimensional calcium-ion activity. , Piston, D., Kirby, M., Cheng, H. and Lederer, W., Appl. Opt.: 33, 662-669 (1994).
- Two-photon scanning photochemical microscopy: mapping ligand-gated ion channel distribution. , Denk, W., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA): 91, 6629-6633 (1994).
- Fluorescence photoactivation by two-photon excitation: Kinetics of uncaging and three-dimensional point diffusion measurements. , Silberzan, I., Williams, R. and Webb, W., Biophys. J.: 63, A109 (1993).
- Observations of nuclear division of living sea urchin embryos by two-photon fluorescence microscopy. , Piston, D., Summers, R. and Webb, W., Biophys. J.: 63, A110 (1993).
- Optical trapping for chromosome manipulation: A wavelength dependence of induced chromosome bridges. , Vorobjev, I., Hong, L. and Wright, W., Biophys. J.: 64, 553 (1993).
- Recent advance of the Ti:sapphire high-repetition femtosecond optical parametric oscillator. , Powers, P., Ellingson, R. and Pelouch, W., J. Opt. Soc. Am. B.: 10 (11), 2162 (1993).
- The viability of cultured cells under two-photon laser scanning microscopy. , Ridsdale, J. and Webb, W., Biophys. J.: 63, A109 (1993).
- Three-dimensional imaging characteristics of laser scan fluorescence microscopy. , Nakamura, K., Optik: 93 (1), 39 (1993).
- Two-photon fluorescence excitation spectra of aromatic amino acids. , Rehms, A. and Callis, P., Chem. Phys. Lett.: 208 (3,4), 276 (1993).
- Two-photon laser scanning photochemical microscopy used to map the distribution of ligand gated ion channels. , Denk, W., Soc. Neurosci.: 19 (1), 91 (1993).
- Application of a femtosecond self-sustaining mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser to the field of laser scanning confocal microscopy. , Curley, P., Ferguson, A., White, J. and Amos, W., Opt. Quant. Electr.: 24, 851 (1992).
- Fundamental improvement of resolution with a 4Pi-confocal fluorescence microscope using two-photon excitation. , Hell, S. and Stelzer, E., Opt. Commun.: 93, 277 (1992).
- High-power, 62fs infrared optical papametric oscillator synchronously pumped by a 76-MHz Ti:sapphire laser. , Fu, Q., Mak, G. and van Driel, H., Optics Letters: 17 (14), 1006 (1992).
- Simultaneous visualization of seven different DNA probes by in situ hybridization using combinatorial fluorescence and digital imaging microscopy. , Ried, T., Baldini, A., Rand, T. and Ward, D.C., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA): 89, 1388-1392 (1992).
- The development and application of photosensitive caged compounds to aid time-resolved structure determination of macromolecules. , Corrie, J., Katayama, Y., Reid, G. and Anson, M., Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London A Ser: 340, 233 (1992).
- The light microscope on its way from an analytical to a preparative tool. , Greulich, K. and Weber, G., Journal of Microscopy: 167, 127-151 (1992).
- Time-resolved fluorescence imaging and background rejection by two-photon excitation in laser scanning microscopy. , Piston, D., Sandison, D. and Webb, W., SPIE Proceed.: 1640, 379 (1992).
- 60-fsec pulse generation from a self-mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser. , Spense, D., Kean, P. and Sibbett, W., Optics Letters: 16 (1), 42 (1991).
- Effects of aberrating layers and tube length on confocal imaging properties. , Sheppard, C. and Cogswell, C., Optik: 87 (1), 34 (1991).
- Effects of finite-sized detector on the OTF of confocal fluorescent microscopy. , Gu, M. and Sheppard, C., Optik: 89, 65-69 (1991).
- Efficient generation of ultrashort, wavelength-tunable infrared pulses. , Cheung, E. and Liu, J., J. Opt. Soc. Am.: 8 (7), 1491 (1991).
- Photodynamic therapy using pheoporbide-a and Q-switched Nd: YAG laser on implanted human hepatocellular carcinoma. , Yamashita, Y., Moriyasu, F., Ono, S., Kimura, T., Kajimura, K., Someda, H., Hamato, N., Nabeshima, M., Sakai, M. and Okuma, M., Gast. Jap.: 26, 623-627 (1991).
- The one-point fluorescence response in confocal microscopy. , Visser, T., Brakenhoff, G. and Groen, F., Optik: 87 (1), 39 (1991).
- Three dimensional imaging of intellectual calcium activity using two-photon excitation of the fluorescent indicator dye Indo-1. , Piston, D. and Webb, W., Biophys. J.: 59, 156 (1991).
- Compartmentation of fluorescent tracers injected into the epidermal cells of Egeria densa leaves. , Goodwin, P., Shepherd, V. and Erwee, M., Planta: 181, 129-136 (1990).
- Image formation in two-photon fluorescence microscopy. , Sheppard, C. and Gu, M., Optik: 86, 104-106 (1990).
- Photodynamic therapy with endogenous protoporphyrin IX: basic principles and present clinical experience. , Kennedy, J., Pottier, R. and Pross, D., Photochem. Photobiol. B.: 6, 143-148 (1990).
- Second harmonic detection of sinusoidally modulated two-photon excited fluorescence. , Freeman, R., Gilliland, D. and Lytle, F., Anal. Chem.: 62, 2216-2219 (1990).
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- Synthesis, photochemistry, and biological activity of a caged photolabile acetylcholine receptor ligand. , Milburn, T., Matsubara, N., Billington, A. and Udgaonkar, J., Biochemistry: 28, 49-58 (1989).
- Three color fluorescence in situ hybridization for the simultaneous detection of multiple nucleic acid sequences. , Nederlof, P., Robinson, D., Abuknesha, R., Wiegant, J., Hopmann, A., Tanke, H. and Raap, A., Cytometry: 10, 20-27 (1989).
- Enhanced two-photon transitions in molecules with permanent dipole moments. , Scharf, B. and Band, Y., Chem. Phys. Lett.: 144 (2), 165 (1988).
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- Two-Photon Multicolour FISH: a versatile technique to detect specific sequences within single DNA molecules in cells and tissues. , König, K., Göhlert, A., Liehr, T., Loncarevic, I. and Riemann, I., Single Mol.: 1, 41-51 (1982).
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