Selected Literature References
Section Overview:
Review Articles
- Evanescent-wave microscopy: A new tool to gain insight into the control of transmitter release ., Oheim, M., Loerke, D., Chow, R., and Stühmer, W., Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: 354, 307-318 (1999).
- Surface fluorescence microscopy with evanescent illumination ., Axelrod, D., Light Microscopy in Biology, Lacey, A. (ed), Oxford University Press, New York, 399-423 (1999).
- Total reflection ., Born, M. and Wolf, E., Principles of Optics, 7th Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 49-53 (1999).
- Total internal reflection and the evanescent wave ., Hecht, E., Optics, Addison Wesley Longman, Incorporated, New York, 121-127 (1998).
- Total internal reflectance fluorescence microscopy ., Tamm, L., Optical Microscopy: Emerging Methods and Applications, Herman, B. and Lemasters, J. (eds), Academic Press, New York, 295-337 (1993).
- Total internal reflection fluorescence ., Axelrod, D., Hellen, E., and Fulbright, R., Topics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Volume 3: Biochemical Applications, Lakowicz, J. (ed), Plenum Press, New York, 289-343 (1992).
- Evanescent-wave microscopy: a simple optical configuration ., Murray, J. and Eshel, D., Journal of Microscopy: 167, 49-62 (1992).
- Photon tunneling microscopy ., Guerra, J., Applied Optics: 29, 3741-3752 (1990).
- Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy ., Axelrod, D., Methods in Cell Biology, Vol. 30, Taylor, D. and Wang, Y. (eds), Academic Press, New York, 245-270 (1989).
- Emission of fluorescence at an interface ., Axelrod, D. and Hellen, E., Methods in Cell Biology, Vol. 30, Taylor, D. and Wang, Y. (eds), Academic Press, New York, 399-416 (1989).
- Total internal reflection intrinsic fluorescence (TIRIF) spectroscopy applied to protein adsorption ., Hlady, V., Wagenen, R., and Andrade, J., Surface and Interfacial Properties of Biomedical Polymers, Vol. 2: Protein Adsorption, Andrade, J. (ed), Plenum Press, New York, 81-119 (1985).
- Total internal reflection fluorescence ., Axelrod, D., Burghardt, T., and Thompson, N., Annual Review of Biophysics and Bioengineering: 13, 247-268 (1984).
- Total internal reflection fluorescent microscopy ., Axelrod, D., Thompson, N., and Burghardt, T., Journal of Microscopy: 129, Part 1, 19-28 (1983).
- Plane surfaces and prisms ., Jenkins, F. and White, H., Fundamentals of Optics, McGraw-Hill, New York 24-28 (1976).
- Monomolecular layers and light ., Drexhage, K., Scientific American: 222, 108-119 (1970).
Original Research Reports
- Imaging constitutive exocytosis with total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy ., Schmoranzer, J., Goulian, M., Axelrod, D., and Simon, S., Journal of Cell Biology: 149, 23-31 (2000).
- Transport, capture and exocytosis of single synaptic vesicles at active zones ., Zenisek, D., Steyer, J., and Almers, W., Nature: 406, 849-854 (2000).
- Multiple stimulation-dependent processes regulate the size of the releasable pool of vesicles ., Oheim, M., Loerke, D., Stuhmer, W., and Chow, R., Eur. Biophys. J.:28, 91-101 (1999).
- Simultaneous observation of individual ATPase and mechanical events by a single myosin molecule during interaction with actin ., Ishijima, A., Kojima, H., Funatsu, T., Tokunaga, M., Higuchi, H., Tanaka, H., and Yanagida, T., Cell: 92, 161-171 (1998).
- The last few milliseconds in the life of a secretory granule. Docking, dynamics and fusion visualized by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) ., Oheim, M., Loerke, D., Stuhmer, W., and Chow, R., Eur. Biophys. J.: 27, 83-98 (1998).
- A simple optical configuration for depth-resolved imaging using variable-angle evanescent-wave microscopy ., Oheim, M., Loerke, D., Preitz, B., and Stuhmer, W., Proc. Eur. Opt. Soc.: 3568, 1-10 (1998).
- Quantitative variable-angle total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (VA-TIRFM) visualises dynamics of chromaffin granules with nanometer axial resolution ., Oheim, M., Loerke, D., Chow, R., and Stuhmer, W., Biophys. Journal: 74, a96 (1998).
- Transport, docking and exocytosis of single secretory granules in live chromaffin cells ., Steyer, J., Horstmann, H., and Almers, W., Nature: 388, 474-478 (1997).
- Refractive-index measurement based on the effects of total internal-reflection and the uses of heterodyne interferometry ., Chiu, M., Lee, J., and Su, D., Appl. Opt.: 36, 2936-2939 (1997).
- Single molecule imaging of fluorophores and enzymatic reactions achieved by objective-type total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy ., Tokunaga, M., Kitamura, K., Saito, K., Iwane, A., and Yanagida, T., Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications: 235, 47-53 (1997).
- Imaging exocytosis and endocytosis ., Betz, W., and Mao, F., and Smith, C., Curr. Opin. Neurobiol.: 6, 365-371 (1996).
- Measurement method of the refractive-index of biotissue by total internal-reflection ., Li, H. and Xie, S., Appl. Opt.: 35, 1793-1798 (1996).
- Cytoplasmic viscosity near the cell plasma membrane-translational diffusion of a small fluorescent solute measured by total internal reflection-fluorescence photobleaching recovery ., Swaminathan, R., Bicknese, S., Periasamy, N., and Verkman, A., Biophys. J.: 71, 1140-1151 (1996).
- Cell volume measured by total internal reflection microfluorimetry: application to water and solute transport in cells transfected with water channel homologs ., Farinas, J., Simanek, V., and Verkman, A., Biophs. J.: 68, 1613-1620 (1995).
- Quantitative analysis of variable-angle total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (VA-TIRFM) of cell-substrate contacts ., Burmeister, J., Truskey, G., and Reichert, W., Journal of Microscopy: 173, 39-51 (1994).
- Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) II. Topographical mapping of relative cell/substratum separation distances ., Trunskey, G., Burmeister, J., Grapa, E., and Reichert, W., Journal of Cell Science: 103, 491-499 (1992).
- Delay in vesicle fusion revealed by electrochemical monitoring of single secretory events in adrenal chromaffin cells ., Chow, R., Ruden, L., and Neher, E., Nature: 356, 60-63 (1992).
- Evidence from total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy for calcium-independent binding of prothrombin to negatively charged planar phospholipid membranes ., Tendian, S., Lentz, B., and Thompson, N., Biochemistry: 30, 10991-10999 (1991).
- Binding of IgG to MoFcyRII purified and reconstituted into supported planar membranes as measured by total internal reflectance fluorescence microscopy ., Poglitisch, C., Sumner, M., and Thompson, N., Biochemistry: 30, 6662-6671 (1991).
- Binding of proteins to specific target sites in membranes measured by total internal reflection of fluorescence microscopy ., Kalb, E., Engel, J., and Tamm, L., Biochemistry: 29, 1607-1613 (1990).
- Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy. 1. Modeling cell contact region fluorescence ., Reichert, W. and Truskey, G., Journal of Cell Science: 96, 219-230 (1990).
- Absolute quantities and equilibrium kinetics of macromolecular adsorption measured by fluorescence photobleaching in total internal reflection ., Zimmerman, R., Schmidt, C., and Gaub, H., J. Colloid Interfac. Sci.: 139, 268-280 (1990).
- Lateral diffusion of bovine serum albumin adsorbed at the solid-liquid interface ., Tilton, R., Robertson, C., and Gast, A., J. Colloid Interface Sci.: 137, 192-203 (1990a).
- Interaction of antibodies with (F c ) receptors in substrate-supported planar membranes measured b total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy ., Poglitsch, C. and Thompson, N., Biochemistry: 29, 248-254 (1990).
- Binding of a monoclonal antibody and its (F ab ) fragment to supported phospholipid monolayers measured by total internal reflectance fluorescence microscopy ., Pisarchick, M. and Thompson, N., Biophysical Journal: 58, 6662-6671 (1990).
- Evanescent field excitation of fluorescence by epi-illumination microscopy ., Stout, A. and Axelrod, D., Applied Optics: 28, 5237-5242 (1989).
- Mapping cell-glass contacts of dictyostelium amoebae by total internal reflection aqueous fluorescence overcomes a basic ambiguity of interference reflection microscopy ., Todd, I., Melior, J., and Gingell, D., Journal of Cell Science: 89, 107-114 (1988).
- Fluorescence techniques for supported planar model membranes ., Thompson, N., Palmer III, A., Wright, L., and Scarborough, P., Comments Mol. Cell Biophys.: 5, 109-131 (1988).
- Fluorescence emission at dielectric and metal-film interfaces ., Hellen, E. and Axelrod, D., Journal of the Optical Society of America, B:4, 337-350 (1987).
- General electromagnetic theory of total internal reflection fluorescence: the quantitative basis for mapping cell-substratum topography ., Gingell, D., Heavens, O., and Mellor, J., Journal of Cell Science: 87, 677-693 (1987).
- Fluorescence of absorbed protein layers: Quantitation of total internal reflection fluorescence ., Hlady, V., Reinecke, D., and Andrade, J., J. Colloid Interface Science: 3, 555-569 (1986).
- Human haptoglobin adsorption by a total internal reflectance fluorescence method ., Lowe, R., Hlady, V., Andrade, J., and van Wagenen, R., Biomaterials: 7, 41-44 (1986).
- Structural organization of interphase 3T3 fibroblasts studied by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy ., Lanni, F., Waggoner, A., and Taylor, D., Journal of Cell Biology: 100, 1091-1102 (1985).
- Topography of cell-glass apposition revealed by total internal reflection fluorescence of volume markers ., Gingell, D., Todd, I., and Bailey, J., Journal of Cell Biology: 100, 1334-1338 (1985).
- Laminin binds specifically to sulfated glycolipids ., Roberts, D., Rao, C., Magnani, J., Spitalnik, S., Liotta, L., and Ginsberg, V., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.: 82, 1306-1310 (1985).
- Topography of cell glass apposition revealed by total internal reflection fluorescence of volume markers ., Gingell, D., Todd, I., and Bailey, J., Journal of Cell Biology: 100, 1334-1338 (1985).
- Effect of planar dielectric interfaces on fluorescence emission and detection: evanescent excitation with high aperture observation ., Burghardt, T. and Thompson, N., Biophysical Journal: 46, 729-739 (1984).
- Evanescent intensity of a focused Gaussian light beam undergoing total internal reflection in a prism ., Burghardt, T. and Thompson, N., Optical Engineering: 23, 62-67 (1984).
- Order in supported phospholipid monolayers detected by the dichrosim of fluorescence excited with polarized evanescent illumination , Thompson, N., McConnell, H., and Burghardt, T., Biophysical Journal: 46, 739-747 (1984).
- Total internal reflection fluorescence study of energy transfer in surface-absorbed and dissolved bovine serum albumin ., Burghardt, T. and Axelrod, D., Biochemistry: 22, 979-985 (1983).
- Immunoglobulin surface-binding kinetics studied by total internal reflection with fluorescence correlations spectroscopy ., Thompson, N. and Axelrod, D., Biophysical Journal: 43, 103-114 (1983).
- Cell-substrate contacts illuminated by total internal reflection fluorescence ., Axelrod, D., Journal of Cell Biology: 89, 141-145 (1981).
- Measuring surface dynamics of biomolecules by total internal reflection fluorescence with photobleaching recovery or correlation spectroscopy ., Thompson, N., Burghardt, T., and Axelrod, D., Biophysical Journal: 33, 433-454 (1981).
- Total internal reflection/fluorescence photobleaching recovery study of serum-albumin absorption dynamics ., Burghardt, T. and Axelrod, D., Biophys. Journal: 33, 455-467 (1981).
- Interference reflection microscopy: A quantitative theory for image interpretation and its application to cell-substratum separation measurement ., Gingell, D. and Todd, I., Biophys. Journal: 26, 507-526 (1979).
- Interaction of hemoglobin with red blood cell membranes as shown by fluorescent chromophore ., Shaklai, N., Yguerabide, J., and Ranney, H., Biochemistry: 16, 5585-5592 (1977).
- A total internal-reflectance technique for the examination of protein adsorption ., Watkins, I. and Robertson, C., J. Biomed. Mater. Res.: 11, 915-938 (1977).
- A new immunoassay based on fluorescence excitation by internal reflectance spectroscopy ., Kronick, M. and Little, W., J. Immunol. Meth.: 8, 235-240 (1975).
- Multiple internal reflection fluorescence spectrometry ., Harrick, N. and Loeb, F., Anal. Chem.: 45, 687-691 (1973).
- Effective thickness of bulk materials and of thin films for internal reflection spectroscopy ., Harrick, N. and du Pre, F., Applied Optics: 5, 1739-1743 (1966).
- Electric field strengths at totally reflecting interfaces ., Harrick, N., J. Opt. Soc, Am.: 55, 851-857 (1965).
- The mechanism of cell adhesion to glass, a study by interference reflection microscopy ., Curtis, A., Journal of Cell Biology: 20, 199 (1964).
- Intermolecular energy migration and fluorescence ., Forster, T., Ann. Phys.: 2, 55-75 (1948).
- Surface density determination in membranes by fluorescence energy transfer ., Fung, B. and Stryer, L., Biochemistry: 17, (1948).