
Glossary of Terms in Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM)

Near-field scanning optical microscopy provides a technique for examining specimens with ultra-high spatial optical resolution that greatly expands the analytical toolbox of the microscopist. Listed in this section are links to resources on the web for near-field scanning optical microscopy, including university and government laboratories, technical tutorials, and microscope manufacturers.

Web Articles

Electrical & Computer Engineering – Optical Characterization & Nanophotonics Laboratory

Haydon's Research Group

Phil Haydon applies NSOM to biological samples in order to discover new insights into the regulation of ion channels and synaptic transmissions in neurons. Haydon's research group, in the Department of Molecular Biology at Iowa State University, features NSOM and topographical images of a polytene chromosome on the site. A scanning electron micrograph of a metal-coated probe and an optical micrograph of a fiber probe emitting light are also provided.

Laboratory for Spectroscopic Imaging

The University of Texas research group, which is headed up by Paul Barbara, uses NSOM to image molecular semiconductor heterostructures and organic thin films. Ultrafast spectroscopy is also a focus of the Austin lab, which is equipped with NSOM, AFM, STM, and a laser scanning confocal microscope. The facility also explores the photophysical behavior of individual chromophore molecules to aid in the understanding of photoactivated processes in multi-chromophoric polymer films.

Superfine Group

The nanoscience research group, headed by Richard Superfine, at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, conducts near-field research using polystyrene and magnetic particles as probes, rather than the traditional fiber optical probes. The mechanical properties of nanostructures in three dimensions, and their exploration with near-field and far-field optics are featured. A comprehensive NSOM educational page compares traditional optical microscopy to near-field optics. Informative text and diagrams help explain instrumentation, applications, and the optical principles behind them.

Ultra at Boston University

The Ultra research group, which is located in the Department of Physics, is involved in several near-field optical projects. Described on the site are a low-temperature, six-inch NSOM that reaches 4 degrees Kelvin and a custom built NSOM that was designed for studying laser diodes. With the integration of a metallurgical microscope, the custom NSOM enables the study of photoluminescence. A waveguide NSOM was especially designed for studying optically pumped devices, particularly waveguides. The site includes other high-tech optical instruments, a description of research projects, and a publications list.

Commercial Vendors

Cavendish Instruments

Cavendish Instruments is a leading supplier of software and instrumentation for measurement, monitoring, analysis, processing, simulation and modeling of information for a wide range of scientific and technological application areas. The company is dedicated to delivering value to its customers by providing innovative, powerful and flexible solutions with attention to customer support and service.

Danish Micro Engineering A/S

Founded by Curt Sander, Danish Micro Engineering A/S developed a scanning probe microscope in 1987. Acting as an industry leader and innovator, the company carries a complete line of hardware for integrated scanning probe microscopes including atomic force microscopes, scanning near-field optical microscopes, and scanning tunneling microscopes. Scanned application images, placed in the broad categories of biology, data storage, metallurgy, optical characterization, polymer, and semiconductors, are provided on the site.

JASCO Chromatograph and Spectroscopy Products

JASCO markets a near-field scanning optical micro photoluminescence and Raman spectrometer that enables the observation of photoluminescence and fluorescence spectra at sub-wavelength, high-spatial resolutions. Single semiconductor quantum dots and wires can be spectrally resolved at less than 100 nanometers. JASCO also provides a well-written introduction to near-field scanning optical spectroscopy that compares far-field and near-field techniques, and includes discussions on STM, NSOM, and AFM.

Nanonics Imaging Ltd

Beyond basic research, Nanonics manufactures a unique NSOM/AFM system that operates on either an inverted or an upright optical microscope stand. The NSOM head performs Raman spectroscopy when combined with a Renishaw Raman microscope. Rather than depending on outside sources, Nanonics produces tip pipettes in their class-100 clean room in Jerusalem, Israel. Overviews of NSOM are well illustrated and provide an excellent introduction to the technique.


Molecular Devices and Tools for NanoTechnology, based in Moscow, Russia, supplies the world market with high quality scanning probe microscopes and related accessories. NT-MDT also manufactures straight coated optical fiber NSOM probes. The NT-MDT Solver NSOM features a shear-force feedback system combined with AFM and STM capabilities.

Triple-O Microscopy

The German company manufactures the BioLyser SNOM, which features the triple functions of near-field, AFM, and inverted optical microscopes, and that allows fluorescence, polarization, and spectroscopic studies at 100-nanometer resolution. Most types of NSOM tips, including straight, bent fibers, and cantilevers, are accommodated by the near-field system. Windows-compatible software accompanies the BioLyser. Background information on scanning probe microscopy and an image gallery that contrasts the modes of operation round out this very informative website.

WITec Wissenschaftliche Inst und Tech GmbH

German-based WITec designed the AlphaSNOM for use in the material and life sciences. The optical instrument combines confocal, atomic force, and scanning near-field optical microscopy. Cantilevered near-field sensors facilitate imaging in fluids and reportedly outperform the resolution, transmission, user friendliness, and reliability of standard fiber optical probes. Modularity increases the flexibility and versatility of the high precision optical instrument for a large variety of applications. Ten downloadable applications of NSOM are featured on the WITec website.