Specialized Microscopy Techniques Interactive Tutorials

We have constructed a variety of Java tutorials designed to help students grasp the more esoteric features of specialized microscopy techniques. Please use the links below to visit the tutorials in our collection.

Specialized Microscopy Techniques Interactive Tutorials

Background Intensity Effect on Contrast

Explore the effect of background intensity on image contrast in optical microscopy by plotting image contrast as a function of image intensity and displaying the contrast range for each background intensity selected by the slider.

Optical Gradients in Phase Objects

See how light passes through a phase object whose sides are not plano-parallel but rather appear as a prism as light passes through the phase object from the bottom and travels through, exiting at the top on the rounded surface.

Optical Path Difference

Explore optical path differences for phase objects as a function of specimen and surrounding medium refractive index variations. Optical path difference is the product of two terms: thickness (t) and difference in refractive index (n).

Integrated Circuit Inspection with Reflected Confocal Microscopy

Explore real-time confocal imaging of integrated circuits with reflected light confocal microscopy using this interactive java tutorial.

Reflected Light Microscopy

Examine the optical pathways in a reflected light microscope in this interactive tutorial. The visitor can open and close the iris diaphragms controlling the condenser and the field lens.

Rheinberg Illumination

Discover the changes in specimen appearance when the colors are varied in the annular and central filters used in Rheinberg illumination in this featured interactive java tutorial.

Spherulites in Polarized Light

Explore how crystals with spherulitic growth patterns appear under a polarized light microscope in this interactive java tutorial. As the applet initializes, the sample will slowly spin.

Cardioid Condensers

Explore how a darkfield microscopy specimen scatters light into the objective when illuminated with a hollow cone of oblique illumination from a Cardioid darkfield condenser in this interactive tutorial.

Contributing Authors

Mortimer Abramowitz - Olympus America, Inc., Two Corporate Center Drive., Melville, New York, 11747.
Kirill I. Tchourioukanov and Michael W. Davidson - National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, 1800 East Paul Dirac Dr., The Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 32310.