Application Notes


Borescope inspection of helicopter main gear boxes

Main gearbox (in the red box in the picture above)
Main gearbox (in the red box in the picture above)

Application—Borescope inspection of helicopter main gear boxes

During routine helicopter maintenance, inspectors use borescopes to check for any breakage or cracks in the gear or gear carrier of the main . The main (MGB) is the mechanism that transmits power from the engine to the main rotor. The MGB consists of multiple components, including a gear carrier and planet gears that are driven by the power from the engine. If the tip of the borescope comes into contact with these components during the inspection, the gear oil lubricating their surfaces can become attached to the objective lens, obstructing the view and reducing visibility for inspectors.

Application—Borescope inspection of helicopter main gear boxes

Solution Using IPLEX Industrial Videoscope Accessories

To help resolve the issue of impaired visibility caused by gear oil on borescope lenses during MGB inspection, Olympus offers two accessories for IPLEX series videoscopes—one that helps prevent the problem, and one that facilitates oil removal:

Oil cleaning tip adaptor

Olympus’ forward-viewing adaptor for IPLEX series videoscopes has a special capillary-activated design that helps remove oil that attaches to the surface of the objective lens. This oil clearing tip adaptor enables inspectors to continue the inspection without having to stop, withdraw the scope, and clean the lens (only compatible with certain IPLEX models.)

Oil clearing adaptor for IPLEX videoscopes
Oil clearing adaptor for IPLEX videoscopes

Rigid sleeve

By using the rigid sleeve, another IPLEX videoscope accessory, you can help prevent accidental contact between the tip of the scope and the inspected object. can help reduce the risk for gear oil attachment. The rigid sleeve also facilitates inserting the scope deep into the back of the , effectively expanding the range of inspection.

Rigid sleeve
Rigid sleeve


Using Olympus IPLEX industrial videoscopes can help alleviate a common problem in inspecting main of helicopters: poor visibility caused by gear oil obstruction. Using the oil clearing tip adaptor and rigid sleeve improve the efficiency and ease of this borescope inspection application, helping to ensure the safe and efficient operation of helicopters.

Prodotti per l'applicazione


Un videoscopio industriale di fascia alta che combina portabilità, funzionalità avanzate, facilità d'uso e durata. Da ispezioni con immagini di elevata qualità a operazioni di recupero, la versatilità offre numerosi vantaggi al di là di ogni esperienza.

IPLEX G Lite/G Lite-W

Il videoscopio industriale IPLEX G Lite racchiude potenti funzionalità di imaging in un corpo piccolo e robusto. Gli operatori impegnati in applicazioni complesse possono avvalersi di uno strumento di ispezione visiva remota leggero e con una portatilità praticamente illimitata per una qualità delle immagini e una facilità d'uso tali da realizzare le ispezioni in modo ottimale.

Se stai effettuando un'ispezione negli spazi limitati della carlinga di un impianto eolico, la versione dedicata del videoscopio IPLEX G Lite, con combinazione di portatilità e potenti funzionalità di imaging, permette di facilitare il tuo lavoro.