

Videoscope solution for working at heights when inspecting the main rotors of helicopters

Videoscope solution for working at heights when inspecting the main rotors of helicopters

Application—Borescope inspection of helicopter main rotors

During maintenance of helicopters, inspectors use industrial borescopes to check for any damage or cracks in the strap pack located at the base of the main rotor. As the main rotor of the helicopter is located at the top part of the airframe, inspectors often use scaffolding or a platform to access it. If the instrument is small enough, inspectors can place it on the platform or scaffolding. Sometimes they rest the instrument on top of the airframe, but depending on the helicopter model, there may not be enough room. Limited space often forces inspectors to hold the inspection instrument in one hand and maneuver the borescope in the other. However, holding it in one hand can be cumbersome and even painful if the instrument is heavy.

Olympus’ IPLEX G Lite videoscope in use on a platform
Olympus’ IPLEX G Lite videoscope in use on a platform

Solution Using the IPLEX G Lite Industrial Videoscope

Olympus’ IPLEX G Lite industrial videoscope was designed for one-handed operation. It enables inspectors to perform remote visual inspection of motor rotors in restrictive workspaces where their only choice is to hold the instrument for the entire duration.

IPLEX G Lite videoscope
IPLEX G Lite videoscope

  1. You can hold it comfortably with one hand for extended periods.
    The touch screen and control unit of an IPLEX G Lite videoscope is not only lightweight but also optimally weight balanced, so the load is easier to bear.
  2. All operations can be easily performed with one hand.
    The IPLEX G Lite videoscope is equipped with ambidextrous controls that enable you to perform all operations with one hand, including image recording/playing, articulating the tip of the scope, as well as other menu prompts.
  3. The only cable is the insertion unit.
    The videoscope controls are integrated into the handheld unit along with the touch-screen monitor. It is battery operated, so no power cable is required.


The IPLEX G Lite videoscope can be held easily with one hand during the entire duration of remote-visual inspections of helicopter rotor motors, enabling inspectors to get reliable and accurate images and results, even in the restrictive and elevated working conditions of scaffolding and platforms.






IPLEX G Lite/G Lite-W

IPLEX G Lite工业视频内窥镜将强大的成像功能打包在一个小巧而坚固的机体内。轻便易携,可随身携带至任何地方,在具有挑战性的应用中,用户可以使用远程内窥检测工具,不仅图像清晰,而且操作简单,足以完成所需工作。

如果您需要在风机机舱狭小的区域进行检测,那么IPLEX G Lite风机版视频内窥镜可助您轻松完成工作,此设备机身小巧,便于携带,且具有强大的成像功能。