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Tommy Bourgelas

Director of Portable Advanced NDT Products

Tommy Bourgelas has worked at Evident for over 23 years. Prior to his current position, which includes overseeing the OmniScan™ X3 product line, he worked as a product manager for other in-service portable NDT product lines, including the OmniScan ECA, ​MultiScan MS5800™, NORTEC™, and BondMaster™ inspection devices. Throughout his career, Tommy has contributed to the development of probes and applications, worked to improve existing products and software features, and has performed numerous trainings.




作者 Tommy Bourgelas - 2023年 5月 4日

OmniScan X3相控阵探伤仪

更新换代检测设备,改用OmniScan X3探伤仪的5个原因

作者 Tommy Bourgelas - 2020年 3月 27日


OmniScan X3探伤仪的扫查计划工具简化检测设置过程的3种方法

作者 Tommy Bourgelas - 2019年 12月 10日



作者 Tommy Bourgelas - 2019年 11月 12日


加强新款OmniScan X3探伤仪性能的3个首要FMC/TFM功能

作者 Tommy Bourgelas - 2019年 11月 5日

Man using OmniScan

4 Benefits of OmniScan Software’s Updated DGS Functionality

作者 Tommy Bourgelas - 2017年 8月 22日


How to Get Comfortable Finding the Right Frequency on Your Bond Tester

作者 Tommy Bourgelas - 2017年 4月 18日