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Daly Souissi

Global Markets Director, Fuel and Energy

Daly Souissi is an NDT professional specialized in advanced applications and training. He holds a bachelor’s degree in engineering and a Master of Science degree in applied science. He is certified UT and PAUT Level III. With a broad range of international experience, he has participated in numerous inspection projects in the nuclear, oil & gas, and steel structure industries. Daly joined Evident in 2019 as global markets director. He is involved in business development and NDT product and solutions global support.


Ultrasonic thickness measurements using aerial robots

Look, Up in the Sky—Aerial Robots Autonomously Measure the Thickness of Steel

By Daly Souissi - 24 May, 2022

TFM imaging of cluster porosity, a result of moisture-contaminated flux coated electrodes. During the welding process, the moisture is heated, turns into a gas, and becomes trapped in the weld.

4 Essentials for Building Your Code-Compliant TFM Strategy for Weld Inspection

By Daly Souissi - 18 May, 2020