Klaus Willeke

Klaus Willeke

Product Marketing Manager

Hello, I’m Klaus Willeke, Product Marketing Manager at Olympus Life Science Division and I’m responsible for our new X Line objectives. During my geology studies, the polarization microscope was an essential tool for determining and researching mineral compositions and structures. I was always fascinated by how colorful the world of minerals appears through a polarization microscope and how much you can discover with the help of light and good optics.

I’ve been working for Olympus for more than 22 years where I was 17 years a sales representative for industrial and life science microcopy in Germany and after that in European Product Marketing in the Scientific Solutions Division of Olympus, responsible for upright clinical and research microscopes and X Line lenses.


Microscope Objectives—Where the Magic Happens (Encore Edition)

By Klaus Willeke - Thursday, 8 July, 2021

Product Marketing Manager

Get another chance to learn about cutting-edge microscope technology on July 8th, when we replay our webinar with Olympus microscope experts Lauren and Klaus. In this webinar, the experts will discuss how objectives affect image quality and highlight why good optics are so important in complex microscope systems. The webinar also covers how progress in lens manufacturing technology is transforming the capability of advanced microscopy systems, and explores how versatile new lenses are enhancing applications including whole slide imaging, super resolution systems, and laser scanning microscopy

Microscope Objectives—Where the Magic Happens

By Klaus Willeke - Thursday, 14 January, 2021

Product Marketing Manager

In this webinar, Lauren and Klaus would like to emphasize the importance of good optics in a complex system like a microscope. They will discuss different aspects which are important for the final image quality.

Microscope artwork of algae and diatoms

From Algae to Art: Creating Stunning Microscope Artwork with X Line Optics

Author Klaus Willeke - 25 January, 2021