Inspiring Advances at Today’s Leading Research Universities
The advancement of life science depends on new discovery. When world-class researchers have access to the newest tools in microscopic imaging, they can elevate the ways they work—and the ways they approach neuroscience, cancer research, bioengineering, and more.
Across North America, invaluable interdisciplinary work in life science is being pursued at some of the world’s preeminent research institutions. Outstanding faculty, rigorous research programs, and immensely talented students all depend on advanced microscopy equipment to succeed.
At the University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas), the University of Maryland (UMD), the University of Colorado Boulder (UC Boulder), and the Université de Montréal (UdeM), Evident is providing today’s best minds in life science with the tools they need to make significant strides forward in critical areas of research and innovation.
Within Evident Discovery Centers, on-campus imaging facilities that give students and faculty access to today’s most advanced microscopy equipment, Evident is supporting precision research by accelerating the application of emerging technologies, enabling new ways to collaborate, streamlining workflows, and helping advance knowledge in critical research areas.
At UT Dallas, this means supporting research in biomedical engineering, neuroscience, biology, and chemistry in a state-of-the art lab space that is elevating the school’s research prowess and its recruitment capabilities.
“Through our partnership with Evident, our cutting-edge imaging facility enables our growing faculty to pursue innovative biological and molecular science,” said Dr. Joseph Pancrazio, Associate Provost and Professor of Bioengineering at UT Dallas. “Furthermore, the facility attracts exceptional faculty candidates and students to our university community.”
Research areas being advanced by the Evident Discovery Center at UMD include drug delivery systems, new cancer vaccines, biomedical device innovations, sensors and diagnostics, human factors research, surgical robotics, and bioimaging.
“The cutting-edge equipment made available through our Evident Discovery Center provides our world-class researchers with additional tools to advance knowledge in critical areas such as cancer diagnosis and treatment, cell biology, and tissue engineering,” said Gregory Ball, Vice President for Research at UMD.
The Evident Discovery Center at CU Boulder is home to the Light Microscopy Core Facility (LMCF), an open-access resource setting a new standard in research, education, scholarship, and creative work. LMCF is advancing work in stem cell biology, behavioral and molecular neuroscience, membrane trafficking, DNA damage and repair, and antibacterial compounds.
“Our partnership with Evident helps make advanced microscopy resources available to the entire university,” said Dr. Joe Dragavon, Director of Core Facilities and Shared Instrumentation at CU Boulder. “The capabilities afforded through these microscopes enable important discoveries that will help propel our faculty and students in their careers while also fueling advances for the broader scientific community.”
At UdeM, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Brain and Learning (CIRCA) works in conjunction with the school’s Evident Discovery Center as a catalyst for multidisciplinary research in neuroplasticity and creates important links between brain science and data science.
“The partnership between Evident and CIRCA continues to enhance the quality and impact of research as well as the training of students by facilitating access to advanced equipment and savoir-faire,” said Professor Yves Joanette, Deputy Vice-Principal of Research at UdeM. “We are very proud of this collaboration.”