Microscope Software
Discover more with Olympus microscope software. With intuitive operations that offer a seamless workflow, Olympus microscope software supports your ever-evolving research needs.
Digital imaging microscope software provides a vast range of features for different applications, whether you’re looking for simple snapshot images or are performing advanced multi-dimensional, real-time experiments. Olympus microscope software enables image acquisition in five dimensions, along with powerful analysis tools that dynamically extract data from imagery for precise experiment results. Confluency checker microscope software is also a must for users looking to improve the quality of cell culture processes with quantitative analysis. Confluency checker software is used alongside images captured with your digital microscope to automatically count both the number of cells and the percent of confluency in culture vessels. Olympus confluency microscope software offers fast, precise cell counting, providing you with quantitative growth data to improve your cell culture process.

Microscope Software
Imaging Software
Providing intuitive operations and a seamless workflow, cellSens software’s user interface is customizable so you control the layout. Offered in a range of packages, cellSens software provides a variety of features optimized for your specific imaging needs. Its Graphic Experiment Manager and Well Navigator features facilitate 5D image acquisition. Achieve improved resolution through TruSight™ deconvolution and share your images using Conference Mode.
- Improve experiment efficiency with TruAI™ deep-learning segmentation analysis, providing label-free nuclei detection and cell counting
- Modular imaging software platform
- Intuitive application-driven user interface
- Broad feature set, ranging from simple snapshot to advanced multidimensional real-time experiments
3D Cell Analysis Software
NoviSight 3D cell analysis software provides statistical data for spheroids and 3D objects in microplate-based experiments. Use it to quantify cell activity in 3D, easily capture rare cell events, obtain accurate cell counts, and improve detection sensitivity. NoviSight software works with a range of imaging techniques, including point-scan confocal imaging, two-photon imaging, spinning disk confocal imaging, and super resolution live cell imaging.
- Fast 3D image recognition from whole structures to subcellular features
- Accurate statistical analysis
- Equipped with a variety of ready-to-use default assays or easily design your own
Microscope Software Resource Videos
cellSens Software Deep Learning Part 1. Preparing Training Data
Rather than using fluorescence images to detect and count nuclei, deep-learning technology can count the nuclei using simple transmitted images, with no staining. This cellSens tutorial video shows you how to use cellSens software’s deep-learning technology for label-free nucleus detection.
Macro to Micro Imaging
Discover how macro to micro imaging can make your experiments more efficient and reliable. This video explores how A.I. technology uses neural networks to automatically detect your samples when traditional contrast methods fall short.