Timo Diekmann

Application Specialist, Evident Technology Center Europe GmbH (ETCE), Germany

After obtaining his master's degree in biochemistry with a strong emphasis on molecular biology in Hannover, Timo moved to Göttingen to pursue a doctorate in the field of microscopy. At the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, he worked on new designs for switchable fluorescent proteins and their application in super resolution microscopy methods. Following the completion of his doctorate in 2019 and a brief postdoc, he joined Evident as an application specialist for our cellSens™ software, scanR high-content screening station, and TruAI™ deep learning technology at ETCE in Münster, supporting customers worldwide.

Publicado por este autor

Dra. Hana Polasek-Sedlackova, investigadora de ADN: Fotografía realizada por Jana Mensatorova.

La galardonada científica y Dra. Hana Polasek-Sedlackova nos revela el papel del sistema scanR en la resolución de una paradoja del ADN

Autor Timo Diekmann - 2 mayo, 2024