Notes d’application
Headlamp Lens Waviness Measurement Using a Laser Microscope
The laws of individual countries define the areas that automotive headlamps can and cannot illuminate. For this reason, headlamp lenses must provide a high level of accuracy in the distribution of light.
Accurate measurement of the waviness of the inside lens surface can verify if the proper light distribution has been achieved.
The Olympus solution
Measurement using the Olympus LEXT OLS5000 3D laser scanning confocal microscope
Features of the product
(1) The OLS5000 microscope measures the state of waviness by using a plane. Color images, laser images, and 3D profile data can all be obtained at the same time, expanding the range of analysis.
(2) Using the stitching mode, wide-area data can be easily obtained.
Waviness measurement for an area of 2,120 × 1,196 µm
Profile measurement for an area of 2,120 × 1,196 µm
Produits utilisés pour cette application
Le microscope confocal à balayage laser LEXT™ OLS5100 combine une exactitude de mesure et des performances optiques exceptionnelles grâce à des outils performants qui facilitent l’utilisation du système. Les opérations de mesure précise des formes et de la rugosité de surface au niveau submicronique sont rapides et efficaces et simplifient votre travail tout en fournissant des résultats fiables et de haute qualité.