Application Notes


Analyzing Oil Cleanliness in Power Generation Plants Using the CIX100 System


Electric power generation plants must ensure that sufficient electricity is supplied to customers at all times. Preventive maintenance of the power generation equipment is, therefore, critical for maintaining reliability as well as reducing overall operational costs.

Conventional fuels like coal, and natural gas are still the most common types used in power generation facilities around the world, complemented by nuclear, diesel, and renewables like hydroelectric, wind, and geothermal power.

A central component in wind energy converters and hydroelectric power stations is the turbine engine, which not only works with oil and gas but also with wind and water flow. Since turbine engines use lubricants, they must be inspected regularly.

Other types of equipment used in power plants that are important to regularly inspect include:

All these devices use hydraulic oil, making it important to monitor the cleanliness (particulate inspection) of the hydraulic oil to keep the equipment running smoothly.

The conventional method used to inspect oils for particulates is a laser-based automatic particle counter (APC). However, APC measurements do not provide any details about the size of the particles or whether they are reflecting (e.g., metal) or non-reflecting (e.g., fibers). Also, laser-based particle counters often overlook transparent particles or overcount due to bubbles in the liquid.

image of light source going through fluid with contaminants to detect contamination

Improved Particle Inspection with the OLYMPUS CIX100 System

For a comprehensive overview of particulates in an oil sample, automatic microscopic particle analysis inspection systems, such as the CIX100 technical cleanliness inspector, offer advantages over APCs, such as:

The Technical Cleanliness Workflow

Below, we lay out the basic steps of the technical cleanliness inspection process. In just 5 simple steps, users can quickly generate reliable inspection data.

technical cleanliness inspection process in five steps: oil sampling, filtration, counting, classification, and report

Step 1: Collect an oil sample from the equipment

collect oil sample from equipment

Step 2: The oil is passed through a vacuum filter machine, and the filter membrane collects any particles.

filter machine equipment

place a filter

Place a 47 mm (1.85 in.) filter membrane on the filtration apparatus

pour the oil

Pour the oil into a beaker

vacuum filter machine system

Step 3: Weigh the filter membrane after it dries.

weigh the filter

Step 4 and 5: The CIX100 system enables you to analyze the inspection results and then generate a professional, compliant report with one click.

CIX100 system

CIX100 system: automated, intuitive, step-by-step guidance and user rights management help ensure reliable data.

Live scan results

Live scan results: fast decision-making with result monitoring during sample scan acquisition.

review results

Review results: thumbnail images with a live image link.

get reports

Reports: automatically create customizable reports that comply with international standards.

Prodotti per l'applicazione


Il sistema d'ispezione CIX100 rappresenta una soluzione dedicata pronta all'uso per i produttori che mirano a mantenere standard di massima qualità per la pulizia dei componenti prodotti. Acquisisce, elabora e documenta rapidamente i dati delle ispezioni della pulizia tecnica per essere conforme agli standard aziendali e internazionali. L’intuitivo software di sistema guida attraverso ogni singola fase dell’analisi in modo che anche gli operatori principianti possano acquisire i dati sulla pulizia in maniera rapida e semplice.