Regenerative medicine harnesses cutting-edge technologies such as stem cell therapy and tissue engineering to repair the body, presenting innovative solutions for medical conditions from injuries to degenerative diseases. In this field, microscopy plays a pivotal role in every stage of your research workflow. Whether you are culturing stem cells, monitoring engineered tissues, or conducting in-depth cellular analyses, our microscopy solutions are tailored to elevate your research. Enhance standardization and efficiency during cell culture with our incubation monitoring system. Effortlessly capture expert-quality brightfield and fluorescent images with our all-in-one digital imaging system. For high-speed, precision analysis of cellular and tissue dynamics, explore our range of laser scanning and spinning-disk confocal systems.
Contact your local representative to tailor a microscopy workflow suited to your needs.
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Monitoring the Effect of Medium Components on the Growth and Differentiation of Human iPS Cell-Derived Liver Bud Organoids Using the Olympus Provi™ CM20 Incubation Monitoring System
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