TruAI Technology Accurate and Efficient Image Analysis using Deep Learning
Image Segentation
Fast and Efficient
- High-precision detection and segmentation based on deep-learning technology delivers efficient and reliable analysis results
- Optimal for cell counting and geometric measurements, like area or shape, without phototoxicity
- Less than 1-second processing time per position
Read the TruAI white paper
An example showing the detection of nuclei. A schematic showing the application (inference) of the trained neural network.
Next-Generation Image Analysis Based on Deep Learning
Experiments often require data from microscope images. For accurate image analysis, segmentation—especially thresholds based on intensity values or color—is used to extract the analysis targets from the image. But this can be time-consuming and affect the sample condition.
TruAI technology’s next-generation image analysis helps solve these challenges.

Only the dividing cells are detected (right)
Prediction of mitotic cells using TruAI (green).

TruAI detects the glomeruli features (right)
Prediction of glomeruli positions on a mouse kidney section using TruAI (blue).

(green) fluorescence image of nuclei, (blue) nuclei detected from brightfield image by TruAI technology
Green: You can see that the detection accuracy is low due to the unevenness of the GFP label.
Blue: Detecting the nuclei with high accuracy despite scratches and dust on the vessel.
Image Enhancement
The neural network can learn the features of noise in advance, making it possible to construct images with a high signal-to-noise ratio, even if the signals are weak.
Noisy images with very weak fluorescence intensity also make object recognition for segmentation difficult. It’s also important to minimize image fading and acquire the images as quickly as possible.
De-noising using deep-learning technology makes it possible to acquire clear images when the noise level is high and the exposure time is short.
Ganerate clear image with high signal-to-noise ratio from noisy image
Save Time and Effort with Live AI
Observe as the live inference results of the trained neural network are revealed in real time. Knowing the inference results before you begin image acquisition increases the efficiency of your experiments.
Live detection of different phases in the cell cycle with HeLa cell culture*
Orange: G1 phase, green: S and G2 phase and Red: mitotic and daughter nuclei
*Although it became one of the most important cell lines in medical research, it’s imperative that we recognize Henrietta Lacks’ contribution to science happened without her consent. This injustice, while leading to key discoveries in immunology, infectious disease, and cancer, also raised important conversations about privacy, ethics, and consent in medicine.
To learn more about the life of Henrietta Lacks and her contribution to modern medicine, click here.
Macro to Micro Imaging
The macro to micro function enables you to acquire an overview image using low-magnification objectives, such as 4x, and then detect the sample area and acquire images of it at high magnification. By using TruAI, this process happens automatically, making your imaging faster and more efficient when using glass slides or dishes with multiple tissue sections.

“The pretrained nuclei recognition is absolutely stunning and now makes it possible to easily analyze very heterogenous samples without compromising on any cell fractions. Especially in high cell density areas, TruAI-based separation is clearly superior to intensity or edge detection, both speed- and performance-wise.”
Robert Strauss
Senior Scientist
Danish Cancer Society Research Center
Learn More
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